His Girl

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I'm catching up on MAMA whilst writing this, my multi-tasking skills are on point.

Anyway, I was wondering if you want me to do a schedule for updates or would you rather me do it spontaneously? I honestly don't mind either way, if I did do a schedule I would update this story twice a week and 'The Boy In The Mirror' once.

Comment if you want me to do it spontaneously like I've done before or if you want me to do a schedule, if you want me to do a schedule which days would be better for you?

"You didn't blush." Yoongi looks disappointed at me. "I thought it would work, do you not like my pun?"

"No, it was just so cringe worthy." I stated, proud I hadn't blushed. "If I recorded everything you said I'd be able to make a cringe compilation."

"Okay, I came for a good time and you're ruining it." Yoongi slightly pouted. "I'm only allowed to hurt you with words."

"That's not how it works-"

"Hey, Suga!" Someone shouts. "Ay!"

"Suga! Suga! Suga!" The crowd turns to us and starts shouting.

A bright spotlight shines on us both, he shields my eyes.

"Come on, Suga! Take your rightly place on the stage!"

Yoongi sighs nods at me and runs up onto the stage.

"Here's your microphone, bro."

I watch in awe as he begins to rap.

"That's it, I'm done!
I might as well get a gun!
Yeah! You have your fun!
I won't hide or run!

I don't care about your religion,
Be a Catholic, Muslim, Jew or a Christian,
I only have one tiny condition,
Don't let your faith be your division!

I speak for those,
Who used to bloom like a rose.
Until you gave them woes,
Now they're coming out of the shadows!"

"Shadows!" The crowd repeated.

"We blame everything on society,
But really you're the ones who gave us anxiety.
You can't imagine our variety,
We're the Shadow Society!"

"Shadow Society!" They all scream jumping up and down.

"Yeah, I have disorders,
But at least I'm not afraid of borders!
I don't give a shit about your orders,
We're not soldiers and you're not warders!

Why did you just call him a terrorist?
Because he's a Muslim? Go see a therapist!
You aren't the cleverest,
You arrogant, racist degenerate!

Leaving their homes and what they knew,
They got swarmed with soldiers, what to do?
Stop treating them like a dangerous flu!
They are people too,
But what are you?"

My mouth hangs open at his words.

"I speak for those,
Who used to bloom like a rose,
Until you gave them woes,
Now they're coming out of the shadows!

We blame everything on society,
But really you're the ones who gave us anxiety.
You can't imagine our vast variety,
We're the Shadow Society!

There are people sick but nobody can tell,
With no medicine or magic spell,
We try to reach out and scream and yell,
But they throw us into a crazy cell!"

The only illnesses you know are ebola and cancer,
Do you think re-sharing it is the answer?
When it comes down to money you're a silencer,
But me? I'm an announcer!"

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