Love Hurts More Than It Heals

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"You can't just sleep at mine."

"Why not?" Yoongi tries to look into my house but I block the way. "The boys thought it'd be a great idea."

"Yeah, I bet they did." I muttered. "Wait, even Hoseok and Jungkook?"

"No, only Namjoon and Jin agreed, but Namjoon is the leader and Jin is the eldest so.."


"Can I sleep at yours?" Yoongi asks scowling. "I'm not going to do anything to you, anyway, those guys might be after me if I die it's all your fault."

"Oh my god just come in you piece of shit." I groan opening the door angrily. "You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"Says you." Yoongi mutters walking into the house but shuts up when I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. "Sorry."

"I only have one bed so you're sleeping on the couch." I say throwing myself onto the couch and grabbing the remote off the table.

"I'm your guest, I should have the bed." Yoongi replies gently sitting on the other end of the couch.

"Do you want to sleep outside?"

"Fair enough."

"Can we-"

"I'm hungry."

"Hi, hungry I'm Yoongi-" Yoongi puts his hands up in surrender and watches his feet. "We can get a take-away?"

"I don't have any money." I lie, I still have the money from Hoseok but all of it's going to my mother. "I'm not rich like you."

"I've got some money, I'll order pizza."


"Have you got a problem with that?"


I watch Yoongi type a number on his phone and leave the room. I shrug my shoulders and decide to scroll through Netflix.

There was anime, dramas, comedy, horror, etc. Not being able to decide I decide to let Yoongi choose, considering he is buying pizza.

He comes back into the room and sits back onto the couch, closer to me this time, and squinted his eyes at the tv.

"What are we watching?"

"I don't know, you choose." I say passing him the remote, hoping he doesn't choose some cheesy romance.

Automatically he goes into the horror section.

"I'm not that good with horrors-"

"You said I could choose." Yoongi interrupts me, a slight smile playing on his lips.

I hold my tongue and sit back into the couch, time to curl up into a ball, cry and want to die. Horrors always scare me no matter what and I always get nightmares afterwards, especially from the ones that have gore.

"What about this one?"

I look up to see that he's picked a movie called 'Would You Rather'.

"I used to play that when I was in my fourth year." I laugh until I see the picture.

It was of an eye being really close to a razor blade, like someone trying to cut their eye.

"I swear, if this is anything like Saw-"

"Don't blame me, I've never watched this, Saw wasn't scary."

"It was to me."

"What a wuss."

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