Baby Baby

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"We can keep her on life support for a week but then we need money to keep her going." The Doctor explains to me. "I've seen your records and I know extreme circumstances have left you with no money but I'm afraid I can't do anything about it. I recommend-"

"I'll get the money." I interrupt.

"But you can't possibly get so much money, and how long will that money last? You need to think about yourself too, and the bills and."

"I said I'll get the money." I say more sternly.

"Whatever you thinks best." He bows and leaves me alone in the corridor with a bill.

14641185 won (£10,000).

I have to get 14641185 won in a few days?

I slide down the wall until I'm sat down in a tight ball.

How am I supposed to get all that money?

I don't even have a job.

What am I going to do?

I stand up and look through the glass to see my Mother on a bed with tubes going in and out of her like a maze. The person who ran her over drove away, how could you do that? Just drive away as if you didn't drive someone over?

What am I supposed to do now? It's nearly 7am, I could go to school to try and clear my head...I don't have anything better to do.

Sighing, I walk down corridors and stairs until I'm finally out, I feel like I've escaped a prison. I didn't sleep, and I feel like I could rip someone's head off, but I should go to school.

Luckily school is less than a mile away, not like the four miles I have to walk to school everyday, so I get to school quite early. It's weird not having hundreds of teenagers being loud and rowdy around you.

Walking to my locker, I feel a lot better, but something tells me as soon as more people come I'll start to be stressed again. £10,000? Mother and I are already having difficulties with money, we definitely don't have £500 in the bank never mind £10,000!

Something falls out of my locker when I open it, a yellow note?

I pick it up and unfold it, it reads:
Come to the gym, it's an emergency, your hope. xx

My hope? What is this sloppy shit? Hope is actually what I need right now, it's probably some perverted guy...probably V.

I turn it over.

If you want to see BamBam alive, you'll be here.

I'm already running to the gym.

Is it BTS again? Again? Why? BamBam and I haven't done anything to them that I'm aware of, I'm not standing for any crap today, I'll literally kill them if I have to.

I burst through the doors expecting a beaten up BamBam and BTS surrounding him with bloody knuckles, when all I see is a black haired boy sitting on a chair directly across from another, one knee on the other, watching me.

"The fuck do you want, hoe." I say annoyed.

"Ouch, I haven't even done anything and you're throwing insults around. You think we're bullies but you're the real bully, princess."

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