Ch. 11~ A Valentine's Day Special and Chapter Combined!

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“Turn to page ninety-five and begin reading silently in your heads! I don’t want to hear a word, understood!?” Germany yelled, opening his own textbook and beginning to scan the pages. Georgia rested her head on the desk, flipping slowly through the pages. It seemed as if none of the excitement from the previous day had seeped into the current day. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Hawaii’s stress was gone for the most part after a good night’s rest as far as Georgia knew. She didn’t know anything about Hawaii’s new friend. Georgia sighed and began to read…or at least she hoped it looked like she was reading. Occasionally, she sneaked a glance at Germany to see if his expression had changed. Each time, as if he was psychic, Germany looked up from his book and smiled pleasantly. Each time…Georgia would turn her head down and pretend to read again. She knew exactly why it was awkward on that certain day. Every state who had sense knew what day it was: Valentine’s Day.

“Miss Georgia, may I see you in the hall? After all, you don’t seem very interested in the read.”

Georgia smiled wearily, lifting her head and looking into Germany’s eyes. “Of course, sir.”

“Germany.” He corrected, eyes shining with a foreign glint. Georgia couldn’t decipher what it meant, but it made her a bit uneasy. Germany held open the door and allowed Georgia to walk through before exiting the room himself. Once they were safely in the hall, Germany pulled out a bouquet of flowers. “In my home…” he murmured, avoiding meeting Georgia’s gaze. “This is a custom. Please accept them. I know you’ve just met me, but I want to you to know how I feel…Please, Georgia…”

Georgia smiled politely and took the flowers. She blushed slightly, taking a small whiff. “They’re precious.” She said truthfully in a warm voice. Germany nodded slowly. “I’m glad you like them. You do know what they mean, ja?”

Georgia raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Of course. We have that custom here in the US as well!” Germany seemed satisfied by this answer and turned to head back into the classroom. Once again, he held open the door for Georgia and allowed her to pass through before entering. As Georgia slid into her chair, her thoughts wondered to Germany’s question. ‘You do know what they mean, ja?’

Why wouldn’t she? People gave each other flowers on Valentine’s Day all the time in the United States. It was a friendly holiday as well as a lovers’ holiday. Friends exchanged chocolate and cards and flowers. It was a fun day as well as a nerve-racking day. Everyone wanted to get something….or dreaded getting something. It’s hard when someone gives you their feelings. How do you reciprocate them? What if you don’t feel the same way? That was probably the reason it became a day for friends in America. It was less…intimidating.

Georgia allowed a small smile to slip onto her lips. Why shouldn’t get Germany chocolate? Forget the store, Georgia worked hard. She’d make it herself in the kitchen. As she thought this to herself, the bell rang and the states hurried out of the classroom. Georgia lifted herself and exited quietly.

“Ve~ Japan? How do people celebrate Valentine’s Day in your home?” Italy beamed, holding the book from the previous class he taught under his arm. Japan straightened his tie and smiled. The two of them walked down the corridor to the next subject they’d teach. Italy was heading to teach Art History and Japan was heading to teach Japanese Mythology. “In my house, it is customary for the women of my culture to give someone they like. The man who receives that gift is to give the female a gift in return on March 14th. We call the second day White Day. What about you? I bet it is very interesting!”

Italy blushed and waved his arms around making gestures a she spoke. “In my home, Valentine’s Day was originally celebrated as a Spring Festival! We’d sing songs and read poetry. That tradition died out a few centuries ago, though. Now, it’s a day to be with the people you love! Traditionally, couples now announce their engagement on Valentine’s Day!”

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