Part 25

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Why was I so afraid?

Having someone in my life I truly cared about sick made it hard to do normal things without worry. Going downstairs to get a glass of water made me anxious to get back upstairs to the sleeping Mark. What if he needed help? What if he were to start REALLY dying, what if he died while I was selfishly getting a drink. Of course even I know that's a stretch but I do know it's still possible. A more realistic thing would be him to throw up, where would he throw up, should I bring a bowl up with me? A lot of stupid things ran through my head during times like those, almost all the time actually. I always worry even when I shouldn't, even when I know I shouldn't.

"Mark's fine." I told myself as I looked at him though the thin darkness. I watched his figure, a silowet that moved gently. The room had gotten brighter than before, the sun must be coming up.


I heard the rustling of Mark's blankets. Opening my eyes after just 'closing them', I turned to see Mark trying to sit up. I wiped the sleepiness from my eyes and walked toward him.

"Don't get up." I kneeled by the side of the bed.

"I'm fine." His voice was raspy, it sounded deeper then yesterday. He placed his elbows on the bed pushing himself up. The blanket fell down his bare chest, just the way he sat as he pushed himself up looked horrid to me. You could tell he was badly sick, I wish he would go to a hospital but I know he wouldn't, he's 'fine'. I wasn't going to let him get up, I was going to keep him in this bed until he feels better. I stood up and placed my hands on either of his shoulders.

"You aren't 'fine', stay in bed." I told him.

"Y/n I'm-"

"Your not! I keep worrying about you Mark, you can take a day or two off of videos your fans understand, take a sick day!" I looked at him sternly as if I knew what I was doing, but in my head I found it crazy that I had stood up to Mark even if it was for his sake. Mark's eyes turned soft, he slowly laid back down my hands still on his shoulders. I wanted to get closer to him, really to hug him but I shouldn't. I pulled my hands back and looked at him for a second. "Are you hungry?" I asked. He just shook his head, he looked as if he was still in shock. "Mark I was on your YouTube page last night and I read so many comments," I smiled remembering them," they care about you Mark, they would understand if you needed a break and I care about you Mark..." I shook my head at a loss of words. "Stay in bed, rest please. If not for you, for me, for your fans."

I looked at him for a bit, he gave a small smile.

For once when I left a room I felt like I stood up for something worth standing for.


"Hello?" They finally answered after leaving me on hold for an hour.

"Hello, this is Y/n L/n. I was supposed to have an interview today."

"Yes, Y/n."

"Yes, I was wondering if I could change the date of the interview?"

"One second please." I was exaggerating when I said an hour, but it did take awhile. I was hoping to change the date so I could watch over Mark. Maybe I could do it sometime next week, Mark should be better by then. "We could change the date."

"That's great!"

"But I'd have to be next month." My eyes opened wide.

"Is that the soonest?"

"I'm afraid it is Y/n." I looked over at Mark who was as pale as a ghost, I'm glad he's getting rest.

"What day?" I asked.

"The soonest would beeeeee-" she continued as she looked for the date. "November 4th."

"That'll work."

"Great, we'll call you if something sooner comes up."

"Thank you."

"No problem." She hung up. I put the phone in my lap as I plopped down on the couch.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself. Maybe I shouldn't of done that, Mark might be fine and I should of gone to that interview. If I did I could get out of Mark's hair quicker. No! I need to stop doubting myself every chance I get! I made a decision I will stand by that decision. This was a good thing, I'll make Mark feel better...

With soup you pervs.


I walked into Mark's room with some better than decent soup. Mark looked up at me squinting his eyes.

"You should eat." I gave a small smile, the last time he ate was noon yesterday, it has been 24 hours.

"I'm not that hungry." His voice was quiet and weak.

"You should to eat Mark." I stood by Mark holding the soup. He looked at me before sitting up, while he did that I couldn't help but notice the small smile he had. He reached up for the soup and I carefully handed it to him. I stood there as he ate it, I really just didn't want to leave his side. Like I said something was inside of me always worried even if I had no reason, that seemed to be taking over right now. Mark stopped for a second looking up at me.

"You don't have to stay there Y/n, you might get sick too." He was thinking about me, the thing is I could only think about him.

"I'm going to get sick eventually, might as well be soon." I smiled. "Plus it's no fun to be sick alone, it's been proven that you get well quicker with love." Why did I say love? That was stupid. Yes, maybe a hug will make you feel better but love was not the right word. "Mark do you know what you have?" I quickly changed the subject.

"I'm not sure, the sickness is mostly in my throat." (If this was a septiplier story it wouldn't be the only thing in his throat) he took another sip of soup. The sickness was keeping him from speaking to well, what if I gave him laryngitis. My mouth hung open, I'm the reason he's sick.

"Mark I am so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"What if you have laryngitis? Mark I think I gave it to you."

"How is that possible? It only spread through-"

"The kiss." I interrupted him. He placed the bowl of soup on his night stand. "I'm so sorry Mark, because of me you're sick and can't work." I started breathing heavily, it was hard to say level headed. Mark pushed the blanket that laid over him to the side. "It's my fault! You didn't even want me to kiss you and I did because I'm so stupid." I placed my hand on the back of my head as I tried to keep from crying. Mark turned his legs to the side, making them touch the ground. "I've been worrying so much about you, I've put you through hell and me through hell and I've kept your fans from you and.." my eyes started to water. Mark stood Infront of me, he was going to kick me out, I did deserve it. "I am so sorry Mark..." My voice had become small. "It's all because of me, you wouldn't be sick if I would've just di-" I was cut off by something that I didn't expect...

He kissed me


I am so sorry about how long this took I was planning to skip to the Christmas chapter but I'd rather get this out to you guys before 2017 then get it out in January. I still want to do a Christmas-y chapter which should, I really don't know what I am thinking right now XD sorry but just because next year's starts won't stop me from my ideas! Thank you for reading! Please comment I live to read and respond to those! Thank you for staying with me through the long waits I really appreciate it!

BUH BYE!! Lol (lots of love)


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