Part 21

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Thanks Mark, I'd be dead without you...

I laid down in Mark's bed once again. He told me I could sleep in here with him for as long as I wanted, that brought me comfort. Mark wasn't in the room yet though, he was recording a few videos for later. He works so hard, it's crazy what he can do. I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep. After having someone to fall asleep with you it becomes impossible to fall asleep without them. I wished for his strong arm to drape over my side. I wanted to feel his chest pressed up against my back. I wanted to hear him speak with his deep voice. I wanted to do that every night... You're getting to connected, he doesn't think of you in that way. Don't kid yourself Y/n, you are leaving as soon as you have enough money to do so. I grabbed the pillow out from under my head bringing it up to my torso. I brought my legs around the bottom of the pillow and hugged the top. It isn't Mark but it's the closest I'll get right now... Dose that mean I expect it later?


I opened my eyes. It was still dark. I turned to the window above Mark's bed, the shades were drawn. I moved one a little, it was dark outside. How early is it? I look around my eyes falling on the empty space Mark was supposed to be. Where'd he go? Moving out of the bed I was going the check downstairs in the kitchen. Maybe he woke up early, really early... Why'd I wake up? Did I have a nightmare that I don't recall? Was I too cold? Maybe it's just one of those weird days.

I searched downstairs, nothing. Where is Mark? Walking back upstairs I was getting worried. I mean I have no reason to be worried, it's not like he died... OH MY GOD WHAT IF HE'S DEAD?!?!? Stay calm Y/n that's most likely not what happened... Just likely that it didn't happen... It probably didn't happen... It could've... WHERE IS HE DAMN IT!?! As I walked quickly across the hard wood floor I passed Mark's recording room, the door open just a crack. I stopped in my tracks. Did he record all night? I opened the door carefully and peeked in. There he was, asleep on his desk. I walked in and noticed Chika laying at his feet. That's so damn adorable. Chika lifted her head and looked at me. Her tale wagged, I guess someone likes me. I smiled before squatting down and petting her. I love dogs and Chika has to be my favourite one. Her tail wagged hard hitting the floor over and over with a thump. I smiled she's as cute as Mark.

Did I just call Mark cute?

I pulled my hand away from Chika. This isn't good, but when I think about it I've been doing this a lot lately. I was hoping Mark would ask me out, I wanted Mark laying in bed with me, for God sakes I called Mark's butt a 'nice view' the first day I met him. He doesn't like me! Why can't I get that through my head? I looked down at Chika, she looked as if she was smiling. It was such an innocent smile. She doesn't know the real world. The cruel world. She's so lucky, I wish I was just a dog...

Well I am a bitch, but I mean REALLY a dog. Like tail and everything.

Remembering why I was here I stood back up looking down at Mark. His head was turned in my direction laying on the desk along with his arms. Under his right hand was the mouse that wirelessly connected to a laptop. Right in front of his head was the laptop with a black screen. I wonder what he was doing.

I wonder what time it is.

I reached over Mark to pull his hand off of the mouse. Dragging the mouse around quickly, the screen lit back up. He was editing videos, I think. I looked at the bottom right corner of the screen which read '4:28'.

"Whoa." I whispered. I didn't think I woke up that early. Mark really shouldn't sleep in his recording room, he might hurt his neck in that position all night. I don't want him to move and break something important. What if he... I just want to cuddle with him. I rubbed his back. "Mark?" I whispered, no response. I shook him with my left arm as I continued rubbing his back. "Maaaaaaark." I whispered louder. He moved a little letting out a sigh. "Mark common." I whispered really close to him. He lifted his head letting his glasses fall off. He looked at me.

"What time is it?" He whispered back with a tired voice.

"Time to go to sleep." I whispered back with a smile. As he started to stand I continued to hold onto him, I don't want him to fall down. I grabbed his glasses before we started to walk out of the room. Chika noticed we were leaving and followed us into his room.

I pushed the door open and led his through the dark room. Bringing him to his bed I placed his glasses on the night stand. He fell onto the bed laying his head down on the pillow. I pulled the blanket over him and walked around the bad to get to my spot. As I pulled the blanket over me I was wondering how I'd get back to sleep after that scare. I moved my pillow back into place and laid on it. Mark shifted until he faced me.

"Thanks." He whispered before drifting into sleep.

Just the presence of him was enough for me to fall right back asleep.


Well that took way longer then it should of :/ sorry bout that. I hope the school will stop draining me of EVERYTHING I can feel myself about to fall asleep all day. This is late yes, this is cute hopefully, this is... Idk I'm tired thank you and goodnight!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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