Part 11

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I quickly held onto Mark hiding my face in his chest.

I hugged onto Mark. I didn't want anyone to see me. Mark was shocked at first then slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay Y/n." He whispered. "You're safe." He quietly soothed me. He made me feel a little better. I couldn't hear anything else, just him. I breathed in deeply trying to calm myself a bit more. I slowly let go. I didn't want to. I didn't want to see people looking back at me in disgust. I didn't want to leave his warm and comfy embrace. But I had to sometime, right? I looked at Mark, then looked down.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"Y/n there's no need for sorry. You're fine. That was one way to tell me you were scared." He smiled. How can he smile so much knowing that I hugged him. Knowing that people saw me touch him with my dirty arms. But really what I want to know is why he smiles. What is the reason he smiles? Is it a person, a pet? Dose he smile because he knows he's nice or funny or handsome? Why dose he smile? I wish I knew. Maybe then I'd smile too. We walked forward as the line moved. I didn't look at anything but Mark. I was to scared to. I don't want to see judgmental people. I wanted to see this one trustworthy person. I kept my eyes on him hopping the world around us would just disappear. But who'd want to be alone with you? No one. If that did happen you'd make Mark missable. I look down in disgust at myself, it's true no one would want to be alone with me.


Mark and I were walking out of the store. Mark was pushing the cart full of food, and I just walked close to him. I didn't look down, which was a mistake. Everyone looked at me, they hated me. Why wouldn't they? You're gross. I glanced at Mark who was looking for his car. What did his car look like? I guess I didn't pay much attention to that. I was probably looking at someone else. Mark started slowing down, I looked forward. Was this his car? The unlock noise sounded in the car. Yes this was his car.


I sat back watching the buildings pass. We had just gotten out of the store's parking lot, and I assumed we would be heading home now.

"So Y/n," Mark started, I looked at him. "Where do you usually go shopping for clothes?" I hadn't thought about that from a while, you know not having the money for it and all. Where did I go shopping?

"I donno, why?" I asked curiously.

"I was gonna take you shopping so you would have more then one pair of clothes." Mark smiled lightly. Really? Why would he do that? He didn't need to, I was fine in these. Maybe it would be good if I got some new clothes these were old. But I don't want him to spend more then he has to on me. If he really wants to though. He doesn't want to, he's just being nice, you should say no. I should say no... But, what if i ever need to wash these? What would I wear then? Maybe I should get one thing. But something cheep. "Do you have any thoughts on where you want clothes from?" He asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Um... No I don't..." I looked down at my feet. Still so far away.

"Okay, well then we'll just look." Mark stopped talking and focused on driving. He's so nice. He's so awesome. He's so cute. He isn't into you, don't get connected in that way. You're going to leave when you get a job anyway. Yeah... Yeah I'm going to leave... I don't want to bother him anymore...

___so sorry___

Mark actually brought me to the mall. We were looking for a clothing store that I might want to go to. I didn't know about this, for one most mall stores are over priced. We just walked past most stores. Mark would ask if I wanted to go in the one we were at each time, I would decline kindly and continue walking with him. I didn't see anything that really caught my eye, or something that was really cheep.

"How bout this one?" Mark pointed at another store. It looked similar to the others, except this one had a sale going on currently. I'll just look for something cheep.

"Sure." I quietly said turning towards the store. Mark and I walked in. What kind of clothes do I need anyway? Like a shirt? Pants? Maybe a bra... Would that be awkward to Mark if I got a bra? What makes him awkward is you being so close to him, he doesn't like you. I walked to the first shelflike thing I saw. Different kinds of shirts. Which one is the cheapest? There were shirts that were 50% off, I looked at them first. They had a (your choice, y/c) on it. They were around $10, still seems expensive. I looked to the back of the store, I didn't see more sale signs. Maybe $10 was the cheapest. We shouldn't shop here then. "Mark let's look somewhere else." I turned to Mark and looked down.

"Don't like anything here?" He smiled. I started walking out of the store.

"No, it's just expensive." I mumbled.

"Y/n," Mark grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking further. "What did you like?"

"It doesn't matter, I just want something cheep." I didn't look back at Mark as he held my wrist.

"Y/n we came shopping for your new clothes, if you're gonna wear them you might as well like them." I turned to face Mark. "Which one did you like?" He smiles at me. I walk to the first section again and point to the shirt with the y/c on it. "That is a nice shirt. Grab it and look for more." Mark says as he walks further into the store. I smile, this guy is awesome.


Hio, comment if you'd like. It's my only human interaction. Vote if you liked it, and don't if you didn't. Simple enough!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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