Part 15

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"Thanks Mark." She whispered and kissed my cheek.

Mark's P.O.V... Still

I stood up and just looked at her as she shifted to her side, drifting back into sleep. I stood there smiling, I can't believe she kissed me. I didn't move for a while, enjoying watching her. Come on Mark that's creepy, we all know she's hot but who would want you to stare at them while they're asleep? I held in a laugh at my thought. And with that I turned on my heel and left the room, leaving the door only open a crack.

Y/n's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open. The morning light shined through my window allowing me to see the dust in the air. I removed my blanket and sat up thinking about yesterday. Shopping, meltdown, happy shirt. I look down at the f/c shirt that made me happy yesterday, why am I still wearing it? I started taking it off. Did I fall asleep? I remember watching Anchorman, but not the whole thing. I must of fallen asleep. Wait, so was Mark picking me up a dream? No, I remember the feeling to well.

I moved my head to face his chest but kept my eyes closed. His warm embrace was soothing and made me want to stay there forever.

Yeah, so he did bring me to my bed. Then he left... No, wait... Was that part a dream or did I really...?

Mark set me down on my bed thinking I was asleep. As he tried to leave I stretched my hand towards him trying to stop him without words. I squinted my eyes open and tried to get him closer. When he was close enough I whispered, thanks Mark, and kissed his cheek before turning over and falling asleep.

Oh shit I kissed him. I mean I liked it but he probably hated it. I tossed the f/c shirt on the other side of the bed and grabbed the other one I bought. I got up as I pulled the shirt over my head and walked to the door. I need to apologize.

I walked into the dinning rum (couldn't help myself) and saw Mark eating cereal at the table. I pulled a chair on the opposite side of the table out and sat in it while he chewed his breakfast.

"Hey Mark." I started.

"Hey." He said in between bites.

"So, uh, last night." I tried to get on with it, but noticed he smiled.

"Yeah?" He said putting his spoon down next to his half full bowl of cereal.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"Because you made me think of last night." He chuckled. Which part of last night made him happy? Was it the kiss? No he doesn't like you, it couldn't be the kiss.

"What about it?"

"I donno you brought it up." He smirked.

"No, I mean what about last night made you smile?"


Mark's P.O.V.

"Well," should I tell her? Was she to tired to know what she was doing? What if it meant nothing? Then I would just be the creep who kissed a girl, who was too sleepy to know. No I didn't kiss her, she kissed me... Well I'm not lying to her. I did enjoy the kiss, even if it was just on the cheek. But what if she gets so uncomfortable that she wants to leave? Then I wouldn't see her again. Mark that is just selfish and immature, tell her the truth or she'll find out you're a liar and a creep. "The kiss you gave me... On the cheek." I squished my finger against hey cheek to point out where she kissed me. Oh god I hope she's not creeped out.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"The kiss you gave me... On the cheek." He push his index finger to his left cheek as he said that. I can't believe he said that. I can't believe he liked my kiss. I just can't believe, I think I'm still sleeping. Y/N WAKE UP!!! Nope, this is just a dream come true. I smiled wide.

"Me too."

"What?" Mark looked dumbfounded.

"I liked the kiss too." Mark's smile came back as he heard me. Mark gave a sigh of relief.

"I was worried you were to tired to know what you were doing." He gently shook his head looking back down at his now soggy cereal.

"Well I was." I said and Mark looked back at me confused. "But that's what I would've wanted to do." He smiled again as he picked up his spoon.

"Hey Y/n," he looked at me.

"Yeah?" I answered, could he be asking me out? Is he asking to kiss me? Does he want to date me?

"You know where the cereal is if you want some." He looked at his bowl and took a bite. Nope, ha and you got your hopes up, told you he didn't like you. Well at least I got one kiss in. Yeah but never again loser.

"Yeah thanks." I put a fake smile on like a mask. No one ever knew when my smile was fake or real but it was always just a mask, so I didn't expect Mark to care. I got up and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Why would he ask me out? I was just being stupid. You were beyond stupid.

Mark's P.O.V.

"Hey Y/n," this is it, ask her out, tell her she's pretty and make her feel better.

"Yeah?" Just look at her smiling face she wants you to ask her out, she liked the kiss, she likes you.

"You know where the cereal is if you want some." YOU MOTHER FUCKING CHICKEN!!!


More more more!!!! Glad this story is finally getting... Interesting? Is that the right word? I hope so. Vote if you liked it and don't if you didn't. Simple enough!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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