Part 22

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Just the presence of him was enough for me to fall right back asleep.

I sighed, waking up might just be the worst part of the day. I opened my eyes to see Mark still asleep in front of me, waking up might just be the best part of the day. I smiled, he looks so peaceful while he sleeps. Wait, shouldn't he be up to make videos or whatever? He shouldn't have to get up after such little sleep. He does so much for his job, he deserves this. I stretched before getting up. I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to make him breakfast in bed. He's done so much for me it's the least I can do, truly. I placed my bare feet on the ground. Chika looked up at me from her cute little bed.

"Hi Chika." I said in a hushed voice. She immediately started wagging her tail. "Wanna help make breakfast for Mark?" I asked while looking at her with a big smile. Her tail hit the ground harder. "Common." I made a hand motion as I started walking to the door, she got up following me to the kitchen.

"What does Mark like?" I asked Chika as I searched through the cabinets. "You know, if you could talk this would be much easier." I giggled.


"Shit I broke it." The yoke of the egg popped as I flipped it. "You think he'll still want it?" I turned to Chika. She stood there motionless for a second before her tail started wagging. "You're right it shouldn't go to waste." I giggled.

I finished the breakfast by placing the broken egg on a plate. There was also a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice, all placed on a tray I found. I hope he likes this. I grabbed both sides of the tray firmly as to keep from dropping it. He'd hate me for that. He already does.

I walked up the stairs, carefully, and headed to his room. I bumped the door completely open with my hip. When I walked in I noticed he was still sleeping. What time is it? I quickly walked to his nightstand and set the tray down next to his glasses and phone. Is there a clock in this room? Would he be mad if I used his phone for a time? You'll get it dirty. I left the room and headed to the bathroom. I found a little soap bar next to the sink and quickly washed my hands. Is there anything I can use to dry my hands? I just used my shirt, I don't care. He bought that. He gave it to me. It's still his money. To late my shirt is wet. I quickly ran back into marks room and went up to his phone. You'll break it. He'll wake up and get angry. Don't do it. I bit my lip, should I? I quickly pressed the on button and the screen lit up, '12:03'. But he's usually up early, is he sleeping in today? Maybe he forgot an alarm and I should wake him up. Don't wake him up let him sleep. I nodded to myself, he should rest.


The blankets shifted, I looked to my right. Mark was slowly sitting up, still leaning on the backboard of the bed. I have been sitting here for almost an hour, I have nothing else to do. I watched as he blinked his eyes, getting used to the light.

"Good morning." I half whispered. "Or, more like afternoon." I said quietly to myself, idiot.

"Good morning." He mumbled sleepily. He turned to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. I looked over his shoulder to see the phone read '12:57'. Looks like he slept well.

"Um, I made you breakfast... Like an hour ago..." I bit my cheek, it's not good anymore and I wasted his food.

"Thanks, that's sweet." He turned to me then laid back down. His eyes closed, something was wrong, he was pale and his nose red. "But I'm not really hungry."

"Are you okay?" I lean towards him.

"I'm fine." He said leaving his eyes closed.

"You look pale, are you sure?" I slowly placed. The back of my hand on his forehead. It was hot, he was definitely sick. "Mark, you're sick."

"Damn it." His face tensed up for a second.

"You should sleep." I was worried, he worked himself to sickness.

"I need to put up videos, I'm already late on the first one."

"Do you have any already recorded?" I asked.

"Yeah, just need to edit them."

"Well, could you just edit today? It's best if you rest."

He opens his eyes. "Y/n, you don't need to worry about me. I get sick, I can still work." He smiled. Maybe he's right, let him do what he wants, it's his life.

"But you worked yourself into sickness."

"It's okay," he touched my arm to reassure me "I'm gonna live through it." He smiled, his eyes squinting. He needs a sick day, he shouldn't have to get up, don't let him.

"Then, just promise me, you'll take it easy."

"Okay, I will." He sat up, the blanket falling to his lap. "I'm going to go to the recording room." He stood up and walked to his dresser pulling out a shirt. Why can't he record without it? He left the room and slowly walked toward the recording room.

Why won't he just rest? Why can't I stop worrying? You're stupid, he can handle it. I know he can but I don't want him to have to. I should just make him comfortable, make... Um, what do people eat when they are sick? Soup, I'll make him soup and... And I'll get him what ever he needs. Yeah, that will make him feel better!

Am I just doing this to make me feel better?


FOREVER! That is the word I would use to describe how long it took me to get this chapter out. And still, my schedule is filled with play practice, homework, and watching YouTube. That's important okay? Well at least the last one is. Vote if you liked it don't if you didn't. Comment just to comment, I try to respond to all of them ya know. Anyway,

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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