Part 1

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My life was officially horrible, I was sitting on a street corner practically starving to death. LA was supposed to save me, when it just made me worse off. Every once in a while someone would stop by me to give me a dollar at most. What I needed was a home, food, and more than pocket change. Nothing was going to change my situation I was going to die in LA as a homeless person. I got up slowly holding my aching stomach, I started walking down the sidewalk noticing the discussed glances. They looked at me like I grew an extra limb. It felt as if everyone just stared at me all the time, I wasn't that hideous was I? As I continued walking I saw an opening between two buildings, an alley maybe. I didn't care I just needed someplace people wouldn't stare. The opening between the buildings wasn't too small. As I got closer my body begged for rest. I sat against one of the two brick walls and closed my eyes for a second. The second passed quicker than I would of hoped because in the next second I smelled copper. I opened my droopy eyes, I knew what was going on. I moved my hand under my nose and felt a liquid coming out of it, blood. Yesterday it was my ears that were bleeding. Proof that I was dying, the thing is I didn't care. Life wasn't going good and never will, no one will miss me and that's fine. Dying quickly is what I would of hoped for, but death is death. My tired body slowly reached the ground. Maybe this time I go to sleep I won't wake up. I closed my eyes, hopefully for the last time, and drifted into a deep slumber. Life isn't good, maybe the afterlife will be.




The sound echoed in my ears, leaving them with a slight ring each time. It was pitch black, or my eyes were closed I couldn't tell. I didn't feel in as much pain as before I died. Wait was I dead? I gathered up the strength to open my eyes. I piercing white light blinded me for seconds before my eyesight returned. I was in a bed, needles in my arms, where was I? I saw a window to my left with a couch under it and a door to my right. Is this a hospital? How'd I get to a hospital? Being alone my questions went unanswered. I tried to speak but that ended up sounding like cracking air in my throat. I then searched for something to tell someone I was awake. Like a rock I could throw at the window of the door. Instead I found a red button connected to a white wire. Maybe that could do something. I clicked the button, nothing happened. What was the point of the button? Did someone think that it would be fun to press? Why would someone make that? The creak of the opening door was what brought my attention away from the button. I looked to my right to see a brunette nurse with a little to much makeup coming into my room.

"Hello." She smiles at me. I just wave back knowing I'm unable to speak. "You clicked the call button, what did you need?" She asked kindly. I look at the red button sitting in my lap, so that's what it was. I try to ask her how I got here but my throat cracks again. "Do you need water?" She asks. I nod, that could help. "I will be one second." She says looking at me before she exits the room again. She did take in fact only a couple seconds before coming back in my room with a glass of water. As she got close to me to hand me the glass I saw her name, Rachel. I drink the glass of water quickly then try to speak again, but yet again I can't. I look at her and she looks back. "Do you need anything els?" Rachel asked. I nodded then mimed a pen and pad of paper. "Do you want to write something down?" She asked. I nodded excited about being able to 'say' something finally. Rachel left the room again. If my hand writing is readable to Rachel I could ask her how I got here. A few minutes passed before Rachel came back into the room with a pencil and a piece of paper. "Here you go." She gave me a bright smile as she handed me the only way I'll be able to speak. I quickly started writing in big sloppy letters 'how'd I get here?'. Once I finished writing it I handed the paper back to Rachel. She read the words on the page slowly then looked back at me. "Well, a young man brought you here last night, telling us that he found you in an alleyway passed out. He said he didn't know you and that he was just walking by when he saw you." Rachel told me. I was confused, why would someone suddenly care? And why couldn't it of been after my death? I held my hand out to her as a way of asking for the paper. She hands it back to me and I write something under the previous words, I wrote 'Where is he?'. I then hand the paper to her again and she studies the paper a second time. "I'm not sure of where he is, but he did leave some of his information. Like a phone number and name. I could get it for you if you'd like." She takes a small step towards the door. I nod my head and she was off. I want to know something about this person they did saved me. Even if at the time I didn't want it, now I am feeling healthy and even a bit less unhappy but I wouldn't say happy. Rachel comes through the door and walks up to me with a clipboard in her hands. I take the clipboard and find his name immediately.

Mark Fischbach


Hello, hope you like the story so far this is just the beginning and I think it was ok. What are your thoughts? I would love to know! If you did like the story vote, if you didn't don't vote. Simple enough.

Buh bye!! Lol (lots of love)

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