Part 9

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Oh fuck.

I didn't move. I couldn't, I felt paralyzed. He found me. He'll be angry. He'll think I'm a monster.

"Y/n?" Mark asked calmly. I stayed still. I couldn't face him, I was hideous. I didn't deserve to be here. "Y/n?" I could hear Mark walking towards me. I wanted to run, but where could I hide. He'd find me. I felt Mark's hand on my shoulder. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Mark's voice was soft as he spoke slow. That damned question. Everything is wrong. Everything.

"Nothing." I knew he wouldn't settle for that, but I couldn't tell him. He'll worry. No he won't he doesn't care about you.

"Y/n, why'd you run away?" Mark tried to turn me so I could face him. I wasn't going to let that happen. I don't want him to look at me.

"No reason." I wasn't going to tell him. He doesn't need to know. He didn't care anyway.

"Y/n, can you look at me?" Mark let go of my shoulder.

"No." I bluntly replied.

"Why not?" You can't see me. I'm gross, ugly. I don't deserve to live.

"I just can't." My throat was killing me. Maybe finally I'll die.

"Y/n please, talk to me." Mark's voice sounded worrisome. How is that, he doesn't care, he can't worry.

"We are talking." I looked at the back door. I wonder if I could get to it fast enough.

"I mean about what you're doing and why your doing it." I'm leaving. You can't see me and that will be better for the both of us. I'm going because I'm bothering you, and making you look at me. The hideous person I am.

"I'm doing something for a reason. Okay?" I didn't want act like this to Mark. But maybe if I do I can go. I looked at the back door. I need to go. I need to leave. I can't do this. I wanted to look back at Mark to see him once more. I couldn't do that to him. I started walking to the back door. Mark didn't do anything. I knew he didn't care. This is for the good. I put my hand on the door handle.

"At least tell me why you want to leave." I stood still as my hand rested on the door handle.

"I can't do this to you." I looked down. What else is there to say. I just can't.

"Do what? Your great! You're not doing anything bad to me. You're keeping me company, and I like it because you're nice and make jokes and... You aren't doing anything bad Y/n, you don't have to leave." I knew it was a lie. Why dose he want me here when he knows I'm no good. I looked at Mark. He looked at me.

"Stop it." I said watery eye. Fuck, how many times am I going to cry in one day.

"Stop what?" Mark questioned.

"Stop lying! I'm making you look at my monstrous face, and making you feed me, and stare at me, and pay for my medical problems. I can't take it. I can't change the way I look. I can't stop eating. And I can't pay for anything. I'm going to drag you down and I don't want to do that to you, because... I can't..." Wipe away the tears in my eyes with my right arm.

"Y/n you're not dragging me down.I payed for your medical problems because I chose to. I feed you because for now, you live here. And I stare at you because your pretty!" Mark kept his eyes locked on mine as my facial expression turned to shock from that last sentence. "So Y/n, I wasn't lying. You're great to have around. And I don't want you to leave." Mark's eyes flashed from mine to the back door. "But that's not my choice, that's yours. You don't have to stay. But just know you can."

I stayed looking at Mark. How dose he think I'm pretty? He was just saying that to make you feel better. My shocked expression turned neutral as I continued to think. Should I stay with him? I mean for now? I'd have a roof over my head, food, water. If I left... What good would I get out of it? Who knows. If I stay I can look for a job without having to worry about money. At least till I get a job. When I get a job I'll leave. Yeah, I'll stay until I get a job.

"Mark." I mumbled.

"Yes?" He quietly replied.

"Is it okay, if I stay? Just for a bit." I asked. Mark smiled at me. I smiled back. Don't smile he's just hiding him pain.

"Yes." Mark answered louder. "Do you feel like sleeping now?" He smirked. I guess.

"Yeah." I started walking to the stairs. Mark followed behind. Why would he let me stay here if he didn't like me? Because he doesn't want you to die, he just wants you to suffer. My smile faded. Yeah, that's probably it.


Hello, did you liked it? Did you hated it? I would like to know! Comment! You know, if ya feel like it. Anywho.... I can't sleep so I might write more of the next one and it might be out sooner. No promises because I'm stupid. Vote if you liked it, and don't if you didn't. Simple enough!

BUH BYE!!! Lol (lots of love)


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