All I Wanted... Was Love: Summary and Sneak peek

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Summary for book two. 

Abby Jenkins has went from being heartbroken and completely loveless, to being in love with the guy of her dreams. It's been six months since she got together with Nick and they are showing no signs of slowing down. But what happenes when the ex that broke her heart into pieces comes back in the picture and tries to win her back? And what happens if Abby wants him too? 

Sneak Peek .

Chapter Whatever: Sparks Fly  

"Come on Abby, You know you want too." I bit down on my lip as Abe stood in front of me close enough for me to touch him. I shook my head and he pushed on. 

"Abby please can't we just... talk?"

"But Abe we've already talked about everything."

"No, we never got a chance because of your brother."  I fought back a smile as the image of my brother almost punching Abe flashed in my head. I shook my head and then looked down t my feet and back up at him, my eye brows slightly wrinkled together.  

"But what really is there to talk about?" He looked me in the eye for what seemed like forever, his brown eyes boring into mine as if to say something that I couldn't quite make out. Finally I blinked breking eye contact and ran my fingers over my hair.  

"Abby , listen, I know I screwed up, and I'm not asking you to forget what happened, I just want you to know that I really truly am sorry for what I did to you, it was stupid, and childish, and by far thee worst mistake I have ever made. And I'm sorry." He got closer and I was speechless. I searched his face for whatever bit of insincerity I could find but there was none. He really was sorry, and to be honest that was all it took. A sorry. I felt like a weight was lifted, like I was in love with him all over again. 

"Abe I-"

"Please don't just give up on us."

"But that's just it. There is no 'us' you gave up on us when you started dating my cousin." I stated firmly making him wince slightly. 

"I know that. I screwed up. You can be mad at me, Hell, I'm mad at me. As long as you forgive me, that's all that really matters." I looked at him and then tilted my head slightly. The truth is, I was wasn't mad at Abe, and I had forgiven him a long time ago, but some part of me deep inside wanted o scream at him from the top of my lungs! But that's not who I am. I sighed and then started pasting from foot to foot putting my hands in the back of my skirt pocket. 

"I'm not mad at you, Abe. So don't feel guilty, okay?" I raised my brow and smiled at him reassuringly and he looked at me without replying.

"I'll take that... as a... yes." I said laughing slightly. He didn't say anything at first, he just stared bak still, which was getting on my nerves but I didn't say anything along the lines of that. Then all of a sudden he smiled at me and I found myself mirroring his actions.

"Okay." He whispered almost to himself. And I almost forgot how close we were. I looked up at him as he stared at me with intence gaze until I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted him to hold me and tell me that he still loved me, and thought all he ever thought about was me. But he probably wouldn't. He let out a deep breath and I felt the air around me get warmer. I wonder what Nick would do if-- Oh my god Nick!  My eyes widened slightly and I stepped back clearing my throat and putting space in between us. 


Okay peeps !! I know I promised an upload and didn't pull through and I'm sorry but I have an idea so until I finally upload here is the summary and a sneak peek of book two !! Hope you like !! And just know that this book is gonna be SO MUCH MORE eventful then the other one !!!! I WILL UPLOAD it is on the TOP of my TO DO list !!! ........ But until then !! 


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