Chapter 8: Too Close for Comfort

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Hey hey hey!

This is Tori! AGAIN

I wanted to make this chapter about Nick and Abby because I was reding my book thee other day and I realized that I have not done NOTHING with them and it's their book!

So here it is!


Abby's POV

When we got home that night Greg stayed true to his word. He made me take a shower and lay on the couch so he could make sure I was ok. He even made me soup. Which made me feel kind of bad for lying.

I mean what was I supposed to say? I scraped my knee? No.

The next morning I woke up to a quiet house. I think Greg was still sleep. Thankgod!

Since mom was out of town for the weekend I decided to make some breakfast.

I opened the fridge and grabbed some baccon and eggs.

When I closed the door someone was behind it. Which of course made scream. That is UNTIL I saw who it was which brought a frown to my face.

"NICK! What are you doing here?" He smiled and then said.

"Did I scare you? I'm sorry." No shit sherlock! I rolled my eyes and sat the food on the counter. He's lucky I didn't drop those eggs. Or he would have waltz right into a grocery store and bought some new ones.

"NO! Now what are you doing here?" He left the side of the fridge and moved to the counter behind me before saying.

"I slept here."


"I. Slept here."

"But it was just me and Greg all night."

"Yeah I know. I got when you were sleep."

"Oh." Oh was all I could muster.

I finished the breafast that I started. Which was really hard considering he was just standing there staring. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and asked.

"Did you want something...?"

"No. Not really." O-kaaay.

As hard as it was to do I ignored him. By the time I finished cooking Greg walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, grabbed a juice, and started to drink. I looked at him in utter disgust. He smiled and said "Morning." I rolled my eyes.

I fixed a plate for me, Greg, and Nick.

We sat at the kitchen table.

It was weird. Eating woth him. It seems like only yesterday I was head over heels for him. And now. Now he was just... Nick.


I was sitting indian style on the couch eating a pint of ice-cream and watching 'Pair of Kings' When my brother and Nick walked in.

Greg came and stood in front of the tv and I rolled my eyes. He is forever annoying.

"What do you want?"

"Me and Nick are going out you wanna come?"


"Why not? Your not doing anything."

"In case you havn't noticed I am watching tv. Now go away!"

"Suit yourself. I'll be back later okay? Or I probably won't be." I shook my head and ate a spoonfull of ice-cream. He walked out of the living room and I heard the door slam behind him. The phone rang and I got up and answered it.

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