Chapter 28: Someone To Love Me Better

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Hey hey hey ! ! ! !

I should totally make you guys wait for this but being the nice person that I am..... I'm not gonna!!!



Abby's POV

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were down here." He smiled and said.

"Its okay. I was just watchin tv." I sat down on the couch next to him and smiled.

"Why are you still up? I thought you went to bed already."

"Couldn't sleep." I nodded and turned to the tv.

"Hey Abby? Your not still upset about that guy are you?" I looked at him surprised at his question and then shook my head.

"I'm not that upset anymore. But... I'm dealing with it." I gave him a reasurring smile and he nodded.

"That's good. I'm glad your hangin in there other wise I would have told you to get over it." He said that last part jokingly and I looked at him.

"And I would have said. He broke my heart. How do you get over something like that?" He stopped smiling and shrugged.

"I guess by not letting your heart... Turn to stone." I nodded and said.

"How do I do that?"

"By finding someone who'll love you better."

"Okay. Well what if the person... Who'd possibly love you better didn't love you at all?" He looked at me and said.

"Look. I'm not gonna give you that there are plenty of fish in the water speech because to be honest that crap isn't true. I mean. You can fish all day and not catch a single one! And take from me I know." I started laughing and he smiled at me and said.

"But I will tell you this... I've learned that you can't make someone love you... You have to be patient and know that if your meant to be together... Then you will be." I smiled and pondered on what he said. He is a really advice giver. Now I know who I'll come to with the rest of my problems!

I turned to him and sat up.

"Thanks. I really needed that." He smiled and I walked away.

"Goodnight Abby." I turned my head, looked at him, and smiled.

"Goodnight Joe."


"He did what ! ?" I turned around and looked at Ava.

"He went to Abe's house and beat the hell out of him." She looked at me wide eyed and I looked back at her in the same way.

"I told him not to do that! Why would he do that?"

"Well I mean... You are his sister." I closed my eyes and rubbed my forhead. I cannot believe him! I mean I know he hurt me but its not like beating him up would change that. 

Just when I opened my eyes Greg walked through the door all happy and smiley.

"Really Greg?" He looked at me and nodded.

"Yes. Really." Then he winked at me and went up staires and I heard him say.

"Well. Glad that's off my chest." My mouth dropped and I shook my head. He is such an animal!


"Happy birthday Abby!"

"My mom walked in my room with homemade chocolate cake. Mmmh! My favorite!

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