Chapter 5: Don't You Love Me?

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Abby's POV

"This is so stupid! Why are we doing this?" I flopped down on Aly's full sized bed and put my hands over my eyes.

She has this big idea that her boyfriend is cheating on her and now she's trying to stalk him! I tried to tell her that there is just no way but whenever Aly has an idea, it is carved in stone.

"Were doing this because no one is gonna two time me, think they have game, and get away with it." I sat up straight and sighed out loud.

"Listen Aly I know that he loves you he has made that worldwide known. You have to trust him."

"But that's just it I do! It's these skanks I don't trust." She sat back in her pink love seat and folded her arms. I got up and sat by her.

"Aly he loves you okay? You have to trust him what do you think he'd do if he found out you were stalking him?"

"Yeah but what if we stalk him and he IS doing something." I shook my head. I love Alison we've been friends for as long as I can remember and I hate seeing her go all crazy over nothing. I pulled her into a hug and said.

"But what if he isn't could you ever live with yourself if you lost him over nothing?" I guess she was thinking because she didn't answer me. So I quickly changed the subject.

"I know what would make you feel better!" She liftes her head up and asks.


"Grease one and two!" She starts jumping up and down and falls off the couch but quickly springs back up and yells.

"YAY!" Before I could say anything else she runs out of the room.

In case you didn't know, me and Aly are total retro chics we love the 80's and we've seen and collected almost every movie there was in the 80's. Both of the Grease movies are her favorite but I like 'Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun' better.

She popped in the first movie and I made popcorn.

My best friend might be crazy and suspicious of everyone. But I wouldn't trade her in for the world.


I was storming through my locker tuesday morning. I cannot believe I forgot my homework! Mrs. Miller is going to kill me! I stopped when my cell phone started to ring. I opened it to look at it. It was a text from Abe. Which brought a smile to my face before I could open it someone came up behind me.

"Hey so I was-"

I screamed and turned around. It was Nick which made me relax a little until he started to laugh.

"Did I scare you?" I wanted to hit him so bad. But I can't cause he's just so cute! instead I acted like a complete lovesick animal and ran away without even closing my locker.

I didn't know what was wrong with me! I'm over him. Aren't I? I've been telling myself that for the past few days now. I mean i'm with Abe now. He asked me to be his girlfriend two moths ago (aparantly my brother couldn't scare him away). Yet I still get butterflys whenever Nick even comes near me! I internally shook my head. No no no! He is not gonna get in the way of my happiness! Not anymore! And there is only one way to do that... I have to avoid Nick.

"Hey Abby!" A deep voice that I noticed all too well woke me from my thoughts and I smiled as he leant down and gave me a kiss on the lips. He kissed me like he hadn't seen me in years! He backed away from me and smiled.

"Hey did you get my text?" I pulled my cell out of my back pocket before saying.

"No let me check."

                'Wanna hang out at your

                 place tonight?'

I smiled and shook my head as I read the text.

I looked back up at him and said.

"On a school night? You naughty naughty boy!"  He smiled at me and said.

"Yeah why not? I mean if your mom doesn't mind and you don't mind then..."

"Ugh fine. But your bringing me some candy." He laughed through his nose and said.

"SCORE!" I swear he's such a guy sometimes!

I grabbed his hand and said.

"Walk me to class?"

"My pleasure."


"So, what does he like her or something?" Abe had a confused look on his face. It was 8:43 and we were cuddleling on my livingroom couch watching 'Teen Wolf' Another 80's classic. Whenever he came over to watch a movie at my house, it was always from the 80's. He never had a problem with my retro style, and if he did he sure didn't show it. He always watched whatever I wanted to watch. I think he was just greatful that I wasn't all into chic flicks.

"No! They had to kiss."

"Well he looks like he's enjoying it."

"Well of course he is! He's a guy and she's a girl. What'd you expect."

"Hey!" He gave me an offended look and I turned back to the movie and laughed before adding.

"No offence."

"Um... Offence." I looked back over to him. OMG he is serious!

"Do you think that just because i'm at a party playing spin the bottle or whatever i'm going to enjoy some random girls love kisses." I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!

"Love. Kisses?"

"Well... Yeah... I don't think I would." I pulled myself together because he was so serious.

"Well why wouldn't you?"

"Well... You see I don't think I would because... Well... I mean only if they were your love kisses then maybe i'd make an exception." I blushed a little at how he was so nervous.

Those were the sweetest words he ever said to me! No scratch that those were the sweetest words anyone has ever said to me! Even if they were corny! Trying to hide my burning face I turned my head towards the kitchen and scratched a none existent ich. When I was sure I was no longer red all over I turned back to him as he was now watching the movie again.

"Why... Exactly would you enjoy my love kisses?" He laughed through his nose and looked back at me. 

"Because your... Beautiful."

"What else?"

"And your funny."


"And smart."


"And your nice."


"And... I-I... I love you." Okay. Remember when I said those were the sweetest words he has ever said to me? Yeah... Well... I was wrong!

As I sat there speechless and not sure what to say. He just sat there staring down at me. I knew what he was waiting for that magical 'I love you too' but I couldn't say it. It wouldn't come out. I was lost for words. That's when he leant down and gave me a passionate kiss. It wa perfect! It felt exactly the way it did when we first kissed. And that was when I knew this was right. This was what I wanted. And no one was gonna come between me and him. Not even... Nick.

He pulled away from me and I smiled. And whispered back.

"I love you too." 


Well guys what do you think this means for Nick? Lol... Nothing good I can tell you that!

So who's your favorite guy in the story?

Let me know okay?

Mine is DEFINATELY Abe!!!!

I'll upload soon!


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