Chapter 13: Crappy Feelings

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Nick's POV

I left Greg's house when me and Abby finished watching the movie. I had no reason to stay. Though I wish I did. I never wanted to leave her and I really wish I could tell her how I felt. But it wouldn't make a difference. She's still with that Abe guy. Man this sucks.

I know now that I have to breakup with Megan, but how?  'Megan I don't wanna see you anymore because i'm in love with my best friend's little sister? Uh... No! And besides that just sounds creepy.

I really have to do this tomorrow because I just cannot leave and still be with her. I was sitting in my living room watching silent library when my little sister walked in.

She smiled and jumped on the couch.

"What are youuu doing?" She did this cute little word drag when she said it and I couldn't help but smile. No matter how torn apart I was right now.

"I am... Watching tv." She nodded and I tuned back to the tv and sighed I must of look really spaced out because she asked.



"What's wrong with you?" I raised a brow and said.

"What's wrong with me?" She gave me a 'yeah right' look and said.

"Your my brother I think I know when something is wrong with you." I looked at her shocked for a moment before saying.

"Well. There's nothingg wrong its just... Your brothers having a little love issues that's all." She chuckled and said.

"Love issues?" She started laughing uncontrolably. I stared at her confused. What was so funny?

She got up off the chair and started to leave when I stopped her and asked.

"Where you going?"

"Away." She stuck her tongue out at me and left.

I shook my head. Ten year olds!


Later I called Greg and tried to get him to breakup with Megan for me and he wouldn't! And he even cut me off in the middle of the conversation! What kind of friend does that?

He told me to man up and I decided that was the best route for me so I called Meg and told her to meet at the Diner Later. This should be good. I really wasn't looking forward to hearing her cry. Or seeing those blue eyes that I loved so much. I knew as soon as that happened I was headed straight for sympathy city. Wherever that is.

My life is screwed!


Here I am sitting in the Diner losing my mind waiting for her. I tried to talk myself out of this like a thousand times but it didn't work. I need to end this.

She sat down at the table. And looked me smack in the eyes. Danm!

I couldn't say anything. Everytime I tried nothing came out. I was about to shadder a person's heart for goodness sake!

"Listen I-" She started to talk and before I knew it the words came out of me.

"Megan. You know that I care about you. Right?" She nodded and I kept going. No use in stopping now right?

"And I never wanted this to..." I trailed off. I didn't know what to say. She was looking at me like she knew what I was gonna say. Its was like I knew each tear that ws about to fall. I couldn't stand to look at her anymore because it kept making it harder.

"Megan. I'm breaking up with you." She didn't say anything and I just did not have the heart to look at her.

It seemed like forever that we sat there and I was determined not to look at her. When she finally said.

"You-your breaking up with me?" I shook my head.

"Megan i'm sorry." She started to cry and I just wanted to kill myself.

"Nick... You can't do this. I mean I know i'm not the most pleasent person to be around but... Nick please don't leave me. Please."

I got up and said.

"I'm sorry." I could not get out of there fast enough! I felt aweful. Yet all I could think about was Abby. If this is right then why do I feel like crap?


Poor Nick. No poor Megan! Awww! Poor everyone!

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