Chapter 25: At Least Not Now

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So this chapter is dedicated to a special fan because she is awesome!!!! And I really enjoy reading your comments! They make me smile :D

BTW... Sorry for not putting it on sooner I've been pretty busy now that school's started but...



Abby's POV

I woke up the next morning under my blanket and with my cell phone vibrating.

I sat up confused. I still had on my clothes from yesterday and I didn't remember getting under the cover. Maybe that was alll a horrible, cruel, vivid nightmare. I laughed at myself and shook my head.

My door opened slowly and I saw Greg grinning at me.

"I made you some pancakes!" I smiled and folded my legs up. Not even bothering to look at my phone.

"Why'd you do that?" He sat on my bed and handed me the plate.

"I don't know. You sleep late." I smiled and looked at my clock. It was way past noon and I was still sleep! I just didn't feel like getting up.

I started eating and he looked around my room as if he'd never been in here before. I looked at him and raised a brow.


"Are you gonna tell me now?"

"Tell you what?"

"What happened last night. I mean you just sorta... I don't know." I looked at him for a minute. I can't believe how worried he was.

"Nothing happened. Really. I just... Had a... Realization." He nodded but I know he didn't understand.

"Would that 'realization' have anything to do with Nick and Megan." I was wide-eyed. He was like right on the money! I looked away before he saw me.

"N-no. Just..." I looked at him and my phone once again started to vibrate. I rolled my eyes an spicked it up.


"YOU LEFT ME! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" I laughed and said.

"Calm down. You got home didn't you?"

"Well... Yeah. But that's not the point. The point is you left me at Eros' and I was looking for you like a chicken with my head cut off!"

"That's kind of over the top don't you think? And where did you go anyways?"

"I ran into my boyfriend and he kept me company." I smiled and shook my head. At least I can say that they are really not dating.

"Alison. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Fine. But your not off the hook." I hung the phone up and finished my breakfast.

The house was really quiet and I was starting to wish I had more then one brother. I was laying on the couch reading Pride & Popularity. It was soothing to read about other people's problems and not worry about mine.

My mom was gone, Greg was with Cassie, Abe was busy (as usual), Aly was with her parents at some thing, and then there was no one.

That was the only problem with having only Aly as a friend. There was only us and no one to fall back on. No one to text 'I'm bored' too. Not even a soul.

I sighed and sat the book on the coffee table. Being bored and lonely should be genuinely illegal.

I got up and turned on our stereo and blasted the music as loud as it could go. A song by Coldplay was on and it made me wanna dance. So I did. And sung at the top of my lungs.

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