Chapter 19: Because She Love's Him

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We have a whole new special POV!!!

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Greg's POV

When we got home Nick was acting really weird. I tried to talk to him but everytime he blew me off.

I dropped bags in front off my room door. And sighed. I can't believe I'm actually leaving.

I walked down to Abby's room and saw her lying down on the bed. I layed down next to her and she opened her eyes. I smirked and she closed her eyes back. I lied down on my back and closed my eyes too. Curse jet lag.

Man... I really don't want to leave but I have no choice. College is gonna be long and boring. But! As always life is liife.

Abby rolled over and hugged me. I out my arms around her and asked.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing." Man! No one answers any of my questions! I am sick of that. What am I three?

"Come on Abby. Remember me? I'm your brother . You can tell me if something's bothering you."

"I'm fine. Really. I'm just tired that's all." If you say so. I kissed her head and closed my eyes back. I guess I am three.


"You are really starting to make me sick!" Cassie narrowed her eyes at me and smiled. I smiled too. We both know that wasn't true. I loved Cassie.

I met her back in middle school. We were at summer camp and she was the only one there who I actually recognized. We started spending everyday together and ever since theen I've been head over heels for her. I think I might actually wanna marry her one day. Thinking about that now kind of makes me laugh seeing as me and Nick promised we'd never get married to anybody. But I think I'll  make an acception for Cassie. I sat down on my bed next to her and pulled her into me.

"I love you Cassie."

"I love you too Gregory."

My mom walked in and smiled.

"I'm sorry for... Intruding but Greg can you come and help me with dinner?" I looked down at Cassie and said.

"I'll be right there mom." She nodded and left.

"Man I was really getting comfy." I laughed through my nose and kissed her on the forehead.

"Its okay. We'll cuddle some other time." She smiled and got up.

"I'll call you later okay?" I nodded and she kissed me on the lips.

She said bye and walked out of the front door. I was heading towards the kitchen. When I heard a tiny knock at the door.

I opened and Alison was standing there with one of her goofy smiles.

"Why are you here? Didn't we just get rid of you?" She narrowed her eyes and said sarcasticly.

"Maybe I missed you too much." I returned the gesture and walked away. She went right up staires and I went to kitchen.

"What did you need help with mom?" She took the pasta from the oven and said.

"Nothing now." I smiled and she put the mittens on the counter top then turned around.

"But I do need to talk to you about something." I raised an eyebrow confused and she said.

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