Chapter 14: Those Five Words

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Megan's POV

I was getting ready to meet Nick at Treniroid's Diner.

I didn't make much effort at getting ready as I was getting ready to tell him about what I feared would break us apart. I really don't want to but its better he finds out from me then someone else. It has to happen. I have been putting it off for to long.

"I was staring at myself in my bedroom mirror. How did this happen? Oh who am I kidding I know how. I sighed and mumbled to myself. "Here goes nothing."

I eventually arrived at the diner where I saw Nick sitting there waiting for me. He did not look happy. Then again... Neither did I. I sat down in the chair apart from him and looked him right in the eyes. I didn't want to just flat out tell him but I had to do it before all the courage I built up on the way here came tumbling down.

"Listen I-" He interrupted me and said.

"Megan. You know that I care about you. Right?" I nodded not knowing where this was going and he continued.

"And I never wanted this to..." He trailed off and my heart did a thousand somersaults. What was he gonna say? Did he know? I thought he was gonna confront me about it until he said those five words that ruined my life.

"Megan. I'm breaking up with you." I couldn't stop all those tears from coming down and he didn't even look me in the eye when he said it.

I took me a full three minutes to grasp what he'd just said. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my heart rate would not slow down. I finally turned and faced him.

"You-your breaking up with me?" He shook his head and answered.

"Megan i'm sorry." That made me cry even more. And I was in denial.

"Nick... You can't do this. I mean I know i'm not the most pleasent person to be around but... Nick please don't leave me. Please."

He got up and said.

"I'm sorry." And then within a heartbeat... He was gone.

I wipped the tears away from my face and sat up slowly. He didn't even give me a reason he just left me there. I ran out to my car and locked the door. I was fighting tears and scanning through my purse for my keys. I was so annoyed that I ended up dumping everything on the passenger seat. I found the key and put it in the ignition but the car wouldn't start. I started bamming my head on the wheel. I couldn't take it anymore. I just burst out crying and sobbing like crazy.

After five minutes of crying I started getting a headache. So I decided to walk that killer 10 miles home. I opened my door and started to walk.

Three minutes in my walk it started to pour down raining. I stood there and started to cry. Could this day get any worse?

I walked around in the rain for the past ten minutes! I was soaked and wet, tears rolled down my eyes as I yelled at the sky.

"Why me?"

"What did I do?"

I was in the middle of the street and a car pulled up beside me. Some guy was in the car but I couldn't really see him my eyes were all blurry from the tears.

"Hey are you okay?" I stopped walking and he stopped driving. I didn't say anything. I just stood there while the rain poured down.

"Hey I can give you a ride if you'd like?"

"No thank you."

"Hey come on I won't bite. Plus you'll get sick out here. It's pouring." I gave in knowing full well not to get in the car with a stranger. But he was right. And I was getting sick of walking.

I walked over to the passenger side and got in the car.

I wipped away what was tears from my face. And he started to drive. I sighed and he said.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and tried to smile but failed terribly. I finally got a good look at him he was so very cute. But I really couldn't focus on that seeing as how I was just DUMPED! He had jet black hair that stopped at his neck and really tan skin. He had really nice brown eyes. He wore a grey t-shirt with a button up shirt over it that was actually un-buttened. I was so busy checking him out that I didn't even realize he asked my something.

"I'm sorry. What you say?"

"I said. Where should I take you?"

"Oh... My house is right up the street. Just drive and i'll show you the way." He nodded.


He pulled at my house five minutes later and I was starting to wander why he would just give me a ride. I opened the door.

"Thank you." He smiled and said.

"Your welcome." I smiled and said.

I waved and closed the door. And with that he was gone.

Despite how hot and and nice he was, he did not make me feel any better because as soon as I went to my room. I craweld in my bed and cried.


Yeah sorry if these chapters are short. But I hoped you liked them anyway. I'm not really good with tragedys!

Thnx 4 reading! :)

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