Chapter 18: Home Sweet Home

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Hey hey hey!

I really don't feel like talking SO......  Here is chapter 18


Abby's POV

I dropped my bags on my bedroom floor and looked around. It seems like i've been gone for ages. I'm just glad to be back. I dropped down carelessly on my bed and sighed.

"Home sweet home." I closed my eyes for a brief moment when I felt someone lie down next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Greg smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

Aly's parents picked her up at the airport and the rest of us drove home seeing as Nick lives across the street and my mom is just that nice. I was supposed to be seeing Abe in an hour. So not looking forward to that. I've decided not to tell him imediately plus that plane made me tired and I'm just not up to hearing what he'll say right about now. I'll just have to put on my big girl panies and act up a storm. I sighed and wrapped my arms around Greg. I needed a hug and he was there. He put his hand on my shoulder and said.

"What's the matter with you?" I didn't even have to look at him when I answered.

"Nothing." He sighed and said.

"Come on Abby. Remember me? I'm your brother . You can tell me if something's bothering you." I looked up at him and said.

"I'm fine. Really. I'm just tired that's all." I layed back down and he kissed my hair. I wonder if I should tell him about Nick... Nah.


"Hey!" I smiled at Abe as he sat down in a chair across from me. He leant in and gave me a small peck on the lips.

"So what have you been doing these past few days?" He shrugged and said.

"Ah nothing. Just sitting at home playing video games. The usual." I smiled and shook my head. Boys! Though I did have fun playing video games with Nick that time... Oh. Nick... Great. I looked up at Abe who wasn't even paying attention to me zoning out. Instead he was texting on his phone.
It took him three whole minutes to stop and look at me. I smiled and he smiled back. Then said.

"Look I have an emergency to uh... Handle so can I stop by your house tonight?" I looked at him for a second then answered.

"Sure. My moms making dinner so I guess you can come." He got up and gave me another peck on the lips then left.

Is it me or was that just weird?
I shrugged and went back home. This was such a waste.


I was sitting in my room with Alison waiting for my mother to finish diner. This was gonna be so fun! Note the sarcasm. Greg was gonna kill Abe and to top it off Aly just developed this hate for him over night. If I recall she was the one who wanted me to date him from the beginning.

"So are you sure you want him to come?" I narrowed my eyes at her and said.

"Um... YES! I havn't seen him in forever. Besides I can't just blow him off because you want me too."

"Awwww! Can't you just tell him your sick or something?" I sighed and answered.

"No. Alison! Was is it with you and him? Did you catch him huffing paint or something?" She was mad but that didn't stop her from laughing. She fell off of my computer chair and then stopped laughing and said in all seriousness.

"I hate you." I smiled and shook my head. I thought about Abe and his texting marathon then looked at Aly and said.

"Aly?" She sat up and answered.

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