Chapter 3: Hold On Abby

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While I was walking to my next class which is History I run into Abe... Or rather he runs into me... Whatever.


I turn around and smile at him. It's been four days since I first met Abe and we've actually become good friends.

"Hey Abe! Why are you in such a hurry?"

"No reason can I walk you to class?"


History is the only class we have together and he sits with me and Aly at lunch. Were walking down the hall and he suddenly blurts out. "So... About that party tonight I was wandering... If maybe you aren't going with anyone then would you maybe wanna go with me?" I'm suprised at his questin for a while and my eyes go wide all on there own. I don't know if i'm more shocked at the questin or the fact that I actually wanna go with him. He must of noticed my reaction because he immediately said.

"I mean if you don't wanna go you don't have to-"

"No! I mean no... I'd love to." 

Just then the bell rings and take our seats in class. I sit by Aly and Abe sits in his usual seat. Before class starts Aly looks at me wide eyed. I guess she notice the natural glow that had formed. (That's actually kind of funny to think about) She leans over to me careful not to let the teacher see and asks.

"What happened?" At first I was a little reluctent to tell her, seeing as we were in class but I just thought to myself what the hell?

"Abe asked me out." She almost screamed before the teacher turned our way and she quickly restrained herself. I let out a HUGE sigh of relief. You see ever since Abe started hanging out with us, whenever we were alone she came up with this stupid theory that I liked Abe and he liked me. Even though I denied it, I knew it was true, what I didn't know was that Abe liked me back... Until now.

As soon as we walked out of class she all but but dragged me to the girl's bathroom!

"WHAT HAPPENED? YOU BETTER TELL ME NOW BITCH!" My mouth immediately dropped open, but I closed it and walked over to the mirror to fix my hair.

"Nothing happened really he just asked me to the party tonight. And I accepted." She started jumping up and down. I just rolled my eyes because I knew what was coming.

"I WON! I WON! YOU DO LIKE HIM!" I sighed and glared at her before finally breaking.

"Fine! Okay I like Abe! Is that what you want to hear? Now... Stop being loud before someone hears you."

"OMG! Abigail I am so happy!" Abigail?  She NEVER calls me Abigail. So I know she's happy which kind of makes me wander.

"Wait... Why are YOU happy?" That questin whipes the smile off of her face. Which is a sign that it's a selfish reason.

"Because you finally have a boyfriend and I can have my dream double date!" My best friend so childish.

I smile at her and slightly shake my head.

"You are really something special." We walk towards the exit of the bathroom and she throws her arm over my shoulder and says.

"And don't you forget it."


"ABBY! You have to pick a dress!"


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