Bound Flowers

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   Going down the main dirt path in the garden city, Heart and you remained quite silent. There really wasn't much to say; you two were too focused on the task ahead. Besides, you really had no words to cheer him up at the moment. What would you tell him, that you would ask how his brother was doing when he awoke in their new body, and that you would relay the information back to him once Diamond returned to a dormant state? It could potentially be reassuring, but it wouldn't help the situation. If anything, it might make Heart even more depressed about his brother. Granted, you were receiving some peace and quiet at the moment, but this isn't how you wanted it. Part of you wanted to hear one of Heart's characteristic remarks, just so things could feel somewhat normal. Right now, though, you suspected his mind was far from stating such a thing.

Thus, choosing to keep quiet, you glanced around at the homes, which were gazebos, to distract yourself from the dismal situation. These homes were made out of marble, wrought iron or wood. Each material had their own color options, which seemed to have an endless amount of possibilities. They were quite open due to the fact that they had no doors or windows. Instead, thick fabrics and a multitude of flowers filled in the roles of the doors and windows. Moreover, there was quite a bit of space between each home, so that the community didn't feel so closed in. Lastly, all of the dirt paths, leading to the homes, were connected to the main road.

Up ahead, however, you could see a stone fountain bubbling up clear water, as the water droplets sparkled under the blue sky. Moreover, surrounding this fountain were multiple wooden carts decorated with various kinds of flowers. Some of these included morning glories, wisterias and clematises, causing a mass of pink and purple hues to fill the area. Individuals with all kinds of features gathered around the market area, buying the goods they required. Despite the size of the market area, it was still only about one-hundredth the size of the Generadeneeranovabian market if not smaller.

Regardless of how pleasant the market appeared, Heart and you walked around the outskirts of it, since both of you wanted to avoid as much contact with the citizens as possible. It wasn't their fault Heart and Diamond were combined into one body now, but you still wished not to get involved with them. Thus, the two of you were quite glad once you passed the crowded area. Continuing down the path, you focused your attention on the sites ahead of you. The view mainly consisted of more flowers and homes with the occasional stream flowing through the area; however, there was a large structure in the distance. You could only presume that it belonged to the queen of the area. Hopefully, she wouldn't be like the gate protector; you didn't need another one of those.

Once the two of you reached the grand building, which was surrounded by a wrought iron fence and composed of multiple pink marble gazebos connected together, both of you walked up to the wrought iron gates. Again, you were stopped by two individuals, though; they were dressed differently from the elderly man and woman with blue hair. Both had on short Greek chitons colored in a pale rose pink while white gladiator sandals were on their feet. Each woman held a stainless steel spear, and it was easy to see their well toned legs and arms. Furthermore, each had their hair cut short, permitting it to go just past their chins. The one on the right side of the gate had medium brown strands of hair and brown eyes. As for the one on the left side, she had golden locks and pale green eyes.

"Have you requested an audience with the queen?" asked the brown haired guard.

"Well, no, but the elderly man at the entrance gate told us to visit the queen," you replied, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Then you're newcomers. Very well, then, you won't need to make a request. We'll send you in, and the queen will call for you, when she's ready. You're both welcome to stay in one of the guest rooms. First, though, we need to see your rings," mentioned the blonde guard.

"Wait, what rings?" you questioned, now getting somewhat puzzled.

"In order to meet with the queen in her estate, one must be married. We can't have the queen or her husband being tempted by an individual. If there is marriage between the two, no such temptation will exist," added the brown-haired one.

Visibly paling at the information, your mouth hung open a little. This rule of theirs was quite bizarre. Were the queen and her husband really that easily influenced by another, who was single? If that were the case, you would think their marriage to be quite weak. Besides, you had known of several instances where one person in a marriage cheated on their spouse with another married individual, when you were back on Earth. Moreover, forcing someone to marry another just in order to meet with the ruler of their city was just ridiculous. Rubbing your right index finger and thumb against the bridge of your nose, you tried to calm yourself. You were really getting tired of this place.

Likewise, this rule would imply that you would need to marry the brothers. Honestly, you weren't planning for such an event to happen for quite some time. Now, if you wanted to continue on with this puzzle, you would have to unless another knew about Kinete. Not being able to look at Heart at the moment, you stared at the ground while continuing to rub the bridge of your nose in absolute irritation. It's not that you utterly despised the prospect of getting married to the brothers. In fact, you had already agreed to stay with the brothers forever back in the Suptilissima Forest. What was troubling you was just how unexpected this was, since it felt like you were being thrown into a freezing body of water with the bite of the cold being quite fierce. Thus, your mind was having trouble deciding what to do. Could you really marry the brothers right now?

"Would one of you happen to know about the depths of Kinete, then?" you inquired, hoping that you could get around this world's policy.

"If you speak of strange places outside beyond this land mass, then you must speak with the queen. Only she knows the details about the land below and how to get there. No one else here is allowed such knowledge," responded the brown-haired guard.

"What if one were to jump off the edge of this land mass?" you asked further.

"They would be thrown up high into the sky due to the air currents within the clouds," answered the blonde guard.

"So you do know about what lies beyond Rinned?" you commented, seeing if they just refused to tell you the information you sought.

"All know the dangers of the air currents, but that is all we know. Besides, as newcomers you must speak with the queen if you wish to stay here past the setting of the sun. The people of Rinned will gladly arrange a wedding for you two, and should you agree to get married, you won't be removed from the city after sunset."

Wanting to strangle these two women, you sighed in frustration before feeling a hand rest on your left shoulder. Knowing who it was, you reluctantly glanced up into the now red eyes with purple flecks. Bearing no smirk, but a grim countenance, Heart kept his right hand on your shoulder while lifting your chin with his left hand.

"Trust me, my dear lady; I would never force you into such an arrangement unless you truly desired it. Moreover, I didn't expect to perform such an act in such a dreadful place. Thus, understand that I will respect whatever decision you make. If you wish to proceed with this marriage only because it will succeed in your success of this puzzle, then so be it. If you desire to state that this marriage isn't an actuality back in our world, then I will accept that. Should we get married here, you're welcome to throw the rings away the moment we leave those gates. You're free to forget about the ceremony entirely if you wish to do so. I know that my brother would agree with me."

To say you were shocked at this information would be an understatement. You wanted to think that he was lying to you, but you could only see truth in his newly colored eyes. Biting the inside of your left cheek, you pulled away from him and peered down at your feet.

"Why do you have to be such a considerate jerk sometimes?" you mumbled to yourself, as you clenched your fists. "Likewise, why do you think so low of me? Why would you think me to turn a blind eye to someone I married? Honestly, how could you accept such a thing? That's almost as f*cked up as the rule that the guards just told us. Bloody h*ll, your brother and you gave up your individual forms to get me this far, and now you're saying that?

"I'm not going to waste what your brother and you sacrificed, regardless if it's temporary or not. I may not have wanted to get married right now, but I'll be d*mned if I disrespect either Diamond or you in such a way by declaring such a ceremony to only be a façade created by this messed up city. Thus, please don't suggest that I would commit an act like that. Still, one of you would be asleep during the ceremony if we carry through with this. Is that okay?"

Closing the distance between you two, Heart wrapped his right arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. With your head resting against his chest while a blush grew on your face, he placed his chin on top of your head. Moreover, he began to comb his left fingers through your (h/c) locks soothingly.

"We won't be asleep; we'll be wide awake despite being in one body now. We'll be right there with you, my dear lady."  

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