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am i the only one who like gets the feels when tyler says whore in ode to sleep??



tyler seethed waking angrily as the blonde turned around with a smirk.

"hey buddy" dustin said smiling evilly , "where's ya little boyfriend?" he asked and tyler smiled walking up to him and hitting him square in the jaw.

"what the fuck?" dustin shouted getting the attention of the other guys in the locker room.

"stay the hell away from josh" tyler spat. "or next will be more than a punch"

dustin scoffed as tyler began to walk away. "whatever faggot!" and tyler whipped around.

"i'm getting real sick of your shit" tyler said harshly and dustin laughed.

"at least i'm not dating a fucking retard"

and suddenly tyler was seeing red as he tackled dustin to the ground , throwing punches at the blonde's face.

the boys in the locker room began cheering and hollering as the two fought.

tyler's head snapped back a bit as dustin got a punch in but tyler responded with a punch to his nose, hearing a satisfying crack.

he hoped he broke his nose.

dustin cried out as blood seeped from his nose but tyler continued until he was being pulled off by max and pete.

"hey dude calm down" pete said as he held tyler .

"no fuck that shit" tyler said trying to get out of pete's grip until he heard a gruff voice.

"tyler , dustin . in my office now"


my chapters are getting worse??? im sorry

dyslexia : joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now