Unexpected Change of Adittude

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                                                                    *Rose's POV*

Uncle John was really nice to me for the remainder of the day and I felt bad for worrying him as much as I had. When he'd finally gone to bed I changed out of my jeans and t-shirt and into my bathingsuit. I wanted to know what had happened to me in the dolphin tank and the only way to do that was to get in it.

 I made my way out of the house, into the aquarium and into the dolphin tank. I HAD to do this. I HAD to know what had happened and why my legs wouldn't move. It may have been from shock and I was about to kill myself because of curiousity but I HAD to know. Slowly I removed my shoes and placed my feet in the water. My heart pounded as I felt the cold creeping up my leg. Immidiatly I pulled my feet out of the water.

Get a hold of yourself, Rose I thought as forced myself to stop shacking. You can do this.

I placed my feet back in the water and started edging my legs in. The water was up to my hips now and I was clinging to the side of the tank for dear life. What if I started drowning? There was no one around to help me and I was doing this willingly! Now only my head, neck and shoulders were above the water as well as part of my arm that was keeping me attached to the side of the tank.

"Geez this water's cold." I muttered as I started shaking. "Hopefully I can get whatever it is over with and go back home to sleep."

Taking a deep breath, I ducked under the water and waited. It happened almost immediatly, my legs started weighing my down and I started to sink. They started to hurt and I could feel them start almost growing together. The pain wasn't unbearable, just uncomfortable and I needed air. I pushed my arms downwards like I was flying and felt myself go up. Repeating that I made my way slowly as my lungs screamed for oxygen. I couldn't make it. I didn't have enough strenght. I let out a big sigh and then relized I really was going to drown.

Might as well get it over with. I decided knowing that it was now or never.

Sucked in a mouthful of water I could see my tears making little trails through the water as I prayed. It hurt and I started coughing and then felt the skin right under my ribs come loose.

Was I dead? I opened my eyes relizing I'd shut them tight and started to panic. It was dark all around me and I couldn't see anything. Maybe I really was dead, my body floating at the surface of the water waiting to be found and pulled out. I tried moving my legs and found that they didn't weigh as much but they moved together, as if attached. I tried to see what was wrong but it was to dark to see. I flailed my arms up and down and kicked my legs and slowly, slowly I started to rise to the surface.

 Have you ever had a dream where you can breath underwater? That is the feeling I was having at that very moment as I made my way up to the oxygen that was waiting for me.

 Reaching the surface I sucked in a huge gulp of air and sighed. I wasn't dead. But how was that possible? I'd breathed in water! I pulled myself out of the tank and tried to stand up. My legs just flopped around uselessly. I reached for them to maybe help them bend and felt something slimy and rough. Was that my leg?!? Reaching out my shacking hand I rubbed my leg again and relized it wasn't a leg anymore. It was a tail.

I muffled my scream with the back of my hand and tried to pull away from my freakish feature. Relizing that there was no way to get away from the mutated looking limb I felt myself start to get sick. My stomach churned as I stared down at my tail. It was like an eels. Long, thin and black as night but there was a fin at the end like a fish. What was I?

Staring at my once were legs I wondered how I was ever going to get Uncle John to understand. He'd probably be as freaked out as I was and send me away. I'd end up in a lab somewhere, starving and only bearly alive. Tears ran down my face as I thought of what would happen once Bobby found out. Or Jack. I might as well throw away any chance with him now. I was a freak, an outcast. I lost my dinner into a nearby bush and  sobbed. Would I ever go back to normal?

To answer my question my tail started changing color. It shifted untill it matched my skin then started to break apart. I had my legs back.

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