We've Found Her!

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                                                                   *Uncle John's POV*

It had been an hour since Steven had sent his officer Ethan to go get the 2 kids and he still hadn't come back. The interveiw with Mr. Erskens had only lasted a few minutes becuase Jacob and Steven wouldn't stop laughing anytime I said his name. I feel it went well other then that though. He got a lot of information and I feel very confident we'll find Rose soon.

"Mr. Francito?" a girl asked coming into the living room.

She was really pretty maybe 17 or 18 with blond hair that had a green streak in it and green eyes. I assumed she was Steven's younger sister.

"Allison! Just in time! Where's Mike?" Steven said hugging her.

"Oh, he's still in the car. He has a black eye. Got it while trying to catch some guy in a convenient store." She answered.

"We'll get it covered. I need him in here. This is important." He said.

"I'm here, I'm here." A man said walking in.

He had a big bruise around his left eye making his blue eyes look sad. His dark brown hair was a mess and his clothes were all wrinkled.

"What have you been doing?" Steven asked in disqust.

"Chill cheif. I caught him."  Mike said.

"Ok whatever. I need you and Allison on a case right now." Steven said rolling his eyes.

"Sure. What are we doing?" He asked looking a little to eager.

"I'm sending you into a school swim team to find a missing girl." Steven answered and Allison looked ready to die.

"You know I can't swim well." She complained.

"You don't have to swim. Mr. Steven said you were just going to act as Mike's girlfriend and HE was going to do the swimming." Bobby said just having to get a word in.

"Sir! We just got a call from someone in the same nieghborhood we thought the girl was in. She said that she just saw Rose and two teenage boys walk past her house. She thinks the guys might be holding her captive or something. The boy with Rose lives in a house at the end of the neighborhood by the beach and the other one is a guy who's over there a lot but doesn't live there." Ethan said running in with a note pad. "This is the address."

'108 Blue Whale Ct.' was scribbled on the note pad.

"I know where that is!" Allison said "My friend lives there with her younger brother!"

"Take us there." Steven said ripping the page out and telling me, Bobby, and Jacob to come along.

We all piled into his car and Allison led the way. It was a long trip. Longer then I thought it would be anyways. Bobby started complaning that she couldn't feel her legs and Jacob fell asleep with his head on her lap. I was about to fall asleep as well and I hoped this wasn't a false alarm.

"Here it is." Allison said pointing to a fairly big house at the end of the cul-de-sac.

"They live here?" i asked surprised.

From what I had heard I thought they lived on thier own. There was no way they could afford such a nice house. Steven parked his car  in  the driveway and we all got out. Steven insisted that he had to go to the door first so we all followed him to the door and waited as he knocked.

"Hello?" A young girl asked opening the door.

"I'm Steven Peters Cheif of police. We recived a call that you have a girl here who we've been looking for." Steven said showing her his badge.

"Who is it Amanda?" Someone yelled from behind the door.

"The police." Amanda yelled back and opened the door for us. "Come in. I'm sure there is a lot you'd like to talk about."

We walked in and I saw 2 young men sitting on the couch and Rose sitting on the floor in front of them.

"Rose!" I said as my eyes filled with joyful tears.

Both young men looked confused and a little nervous but Rose looked lost.

"Who are you?" She asked looking at me like she'd never seen me before.

"Rose, He's your Uncle and I'm your best friend. Remember? It's me Bobby!" Bobby said shoving past me to hug Rose.

I- I remember you... I think.... And you..." She said looking up at me trying to process what was going on. "You're my Uncle John."

"Yes! Yes!" Bobby screamed happily! "We've been looking all over for you!"

Rose stood up and hugged Bobby then she came over to me and I saw tears in her eyes. She held out her arms and I hugged her sobbing with happiness.

"What's the meaning of this? Why were you holding her captive?" Allison asked Amanda looking about ready to cry.

"Let me explain." Amanda said calmly. "Jack, I think it's time for Drew to leave. We need to talk with the police and explain the situation."

One of the young men nodded and I relized how much he looked like Amanda. After Jack had taken Drew home and Amanda had made us all a wonderful meal of ham and cheese sandwiches we all sat on the couch and listened to their story.

"Is this true?" I asked Rose, who hadn't said anything since the story had started.

"Yes." She said in a shaky voice. "They didn't do anything wrong."

"We're still going to have to bring them to the police station." Mike said setting down his sandwich.

"But you can't arrest them! They didn't do anything wrong! That's not fair!" Rose protested.

"Rose it's alright." Jack said. "They have the right to do that. Besides we could get in trouble for not doing what they ask.

"But it's not fair! You just helped me out that's all! I probably would have drowned or something if you hadn't found me after I fell into the dolphin tank an washed up on shore." Rose said and se looked loe she was about to cry.

Jack didn't say anything but he had a look on his face that made me think he knew something we didn't.

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