You seriously can't remember!?

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"Wait, don't cry!" Jack said startled

"It's your fault. You probably scared her to death." Amanda yelled.

"How did I scare her? You're the one asking all the weirdo questions!" Jack said.

"Weirdo? How dare you! I just asked what she was doing here!" Amanda shouted.

"Um...." I inturupted. I couldn't cry anymore. They were yelling to loud for me to ignore. "Am I supposed to be doing something here?"

Both teenagers looked up at me and Amanda sighed. "Maybe not."

"Now you're just confusing her." Jack stated.

"We'd like to know who you are and where you live becuase we found you washed up on shore and decided to help you out. We just want to get you home like you want. That's all." Amanda explained.

"Don't LIE to her!" Jack yelled.

"I'm not lieing!" Amanda screamed back.

"I thought she was staying here 'til we found out where she was from and what she was doing here." Jack chalenged.

"That sounds overly stalkerish!" Amanda answered. "I was going to have her tell us so we COULD take her home but not anymore."

"So you ARE kidnapping me?" I asked softly. "Because I honestly can't remember."

"You're serious?" Jack asked shocked.

"Would I lie about not remembering where I lived or what my last name was?" I answered.

"Yea, If you thought we were like murderers or something who were planing on kidnapping you then blackmailing your parents." Jack said seriously.

He had a point.

"Well, Maybe.. But I'm not lieing! I really don't remember." I said.

"Wouldn't it be best if you stayed here then 'til you recover your memories?" Amanda asked.

"Where's she going to stay? The upstairs is MINE and you only have the kitchen, your room, the dinning room, the living room, the sun room, and the laundry room as your space." Jack said.

"You have two extra bedrooms upstairs! She could use one of them! And if you don't like that choice I'll take away your TV in the Bonus room that you're so fond of!" Amanda said simply.

"WHAT!?! Why do I gotta give her a room? Give her yours and YOU sleep upstairs in the attic or something!" he yelled.

"How rude! To force your older sister out of her room? What a dreadful thought! How did I ever end up with you as a twin?" Amanda said sadly.

I just sat there silently wondering what they could possibly mean. Keep me here until I told them why I was here? I didn't even know the answer to that question!

"Fine! She can have the room closest to the bathroom. But she can't use my stuff. You let her borrow some sheets and soap and stuff, She'll like it better. Mine's to manly." Jack said finally giving in.

"Since when were you manly? I've known you all your life and there isn't a manly bone in your body." Amanda teased.

They seemed so normal, these two teenagers. It was hard to think of them hurting me. Maybe if  I could just remember everything about my self they'd be happy and let me leave. I certainly couldn't leave unnoticed! They'll probably put some kind of alarm on my door!

"So if I just tell you where I live and what I'm doing here I can go?" I asked. Maybe I could make something up.....

"Yea. That's the plan I guess." Jack answered.

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