Oh...You're Back

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Nathan Hills

"I still say you should've tried taking her away," I told my idiot twin who was sulking in the corner of our room. I spun the computer chair so that I could face him and his pathetic state. "You tried acting cool in your stupid show of giving up on her and now you're acting like a baby," I said rolling my eyes when he glared daggers at me. "Would'ya just stop already? You're dampening my mood too."

"Oh shut up, nagging bastard," said Nick. "What else was I supposed to do but let her be?"

"Dude, you could've at least tried stealing her from him," I said throwing a stress-relieving ball at him. He caught it with his right hand and started squeezing the life out of it.

Nick snorted. "And you call me dumb."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Natt, are you blind?" he said. "She's helplessly in love with West! I'm smart enough to see that. Any move I make on her will result to nothing but failure. Even if she found out, which she already did, she'd turn me down on the spot. You should've seen it in her eyes… that made up resolve. If I didn't make a clean exit then, I'd end up ruining her relationship, my friendship with West, and my already damaged pride."

I just stared at him. "Whoa, I didn't know it was this serious."

This time, he rolled his eyes at me.

"So that's why you didn't try," I said.

"Yeah. Naomi wouldn't even look at me in that way. If I tried interfering, then what kind of selfish bastard would I be? Trying to steal my best friend's girl... That's just wrong."

I sighed and went to sit next to my sulking twin. Patting his shoulder in a brotherly manner I said, "There, there, it's okay, dude. Even though you claim to be the evil genius, you're still such a softy." He shoved at me. "Ass," I grumbled. "I'm trying to comfort you."

"Well, you're doing a hell of a job," he said, sarcasm dripping his voice.

"Man, heartbroken bros are such a pain in the ass," I said.

Nick hit me again. "Natt, stop being such a dick."

I looked at him with a faked hurt expression, "I can't believe this. Here I am, your totally amazing brother, comforting you in your painful state, and yet... you called me a dick?"

He rolled his eyes at me again. I grinned and leaned back against the wall. "So, if you saw 'I-love-West-forever' in Naomi's eyes, then what'd you see in West's? Did he go East shit on you?"

"No," he groaned. "That's what made it worse. I might've tried to fight him if he went all East shit on me, but no. Just no. He didn't even look mad. It was like he'd respect me for whatever decision I'd make regarding the freaking love triangle. But he also looked like he wasn't going to hand Naomi to me either."

I thought about that. "Well, yeah. West is like that. It's annoying sometimes... how he trusts his friends so much. If I were him, I might've punched you for kissing my girl."

Nick made a face. "I wouldn't ever kiss your girl. She's not my type."

I laughed. "She told me that her cousin's crushin' on you ever since she saw a picture of me. Holly said she wanted to meet you. Too bad she'll be disappointed."

Nick raised a questioning brow. I grinned and shrugged, "'Cause, she'll see how I'm the better looking one yet also the unavailable one."

This made him laugh. "Moron. We have the same face."

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