West's Friends

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Logan Payne

While we were chilling in Sky’s room, the twins suddenly came in with excited expressions and said, “You guys have to see this!” They ran out as soon as they said that. I exchanged looks with my good friend Josh and he shrugged, “Guess we should go check it out.”

I looked over at Sky to see if he was coming. But of course he’s not. He was laying leisurely on his bed, his hands linked behind his head while he listened to his music with his earphones shoved into his ears.

“What’s going on?” asked fourteen-year-old Ace who was playing some game in his psp.

“I don’t know, but it must be good if it got the twins all hyped up,” I said. We stepped out of the room and the first thing I noticed was… there was no music. There was nothing but dead silence, with the exception of two voices that seemed to be in the middle of an argument.

We went to the staircase and leaned down since we were on the second floor. I found two guys at the center of a crowd. I recognized West and wondered who the little dude was.

“Isn’t that West?” Ace said.

Natt and Nick were right next to us, a camera in hand.

“Yo, Hills,” I said. “What’s going on? Who’s that kid West’s arguing with?”

They ignored me. I frowned and returned to watching the scene.

The kid was clearly upset, his voice quite shrill and girly. I saw Owen down there and all of a sudden, West kissed the kid.

Holy… shit.

Silence sliced through the entire house, not a single sound dared to disrupt the unbelievable discovery that was unfolding itself in front of every single person present in the party.

They continued to kiss and when they finally broke apart, still everyone was held speechless. My f*cking jaw was hanging in the air while me and the rest of the guys stared with unbelieving eyes.

Did that just effing happen?

“West… I never knew… that you…” Cherry’s sobs broke our attention. She was devastated by the discovery that West Gray… is gay. She ran out of the house where the people gave way and still silence followed her departure.

Just then West suddenly grabbed the kid, pulled his hair off. Wait a minute. Pulled his hair off?

“Everyone, this is Naomi Carter!” He pulled the Naomi to him and said, “She’s a GIRL!!!”

Whoa… he is a girl.

She looked at everyone, her face flushed and she shyly said, “Hi.”

West Gray

Everyone erupted in numerous murmurs and whispers.

“Nash is a girl?”

“So West’s not gay?”

“I thought two dudes were making out for a minute there.”

 “He scared the living shit out of me when he suddenly kissed a guy like that.”

“Wait a minute! He told her he loves her! OMG so they’re like a couple now?”

Oh God, please shut up.

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