Phone Call

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Naomi Carter

I wish I heard the rest of West’s sentence… What was he going to say? ‘Fall’ in LOVE with ME? If someone had said that West was starting to like me a week ago, I would’ve laughed at such an impossible idea. But now…

Oh please! It would be so amazing if he and I were to be together! I would just die of happiness!

No Naomi. You shouldn’t get too carried away. He actually hasn’t told you anything. I need to hear it straight from him.

I sighed and sat up. I was in my room and had been lying in bed under West’s orders. I had taken my medicine and was not allowed to get off from bed until I was one hundred percent better. Seems like West and the twins had decided on this together.

Speaking of the twins…

Glancing down at my right, I saw the two of them playing cards on the floor. I don’t know what they were playing, and I don’t really want to ask.

“You lose,” said Natt.

“Why is it that in video games, you suck. But when it comes to these freakin’ things, you always beat me?” Nick grumbled.

“Where’s Tyler?” I asked.

“West’s trying to make him take his nap,” they answered in unison.

After a while, Nick suddenly groaned and threw his cards in the air. “I’ve had enough of this! I’m going to check Ty.”

Natt grinned and gathered the cards. “Wanna play?”

“No thank you,” I said.

He shrugged and started assembling the cards to play solitaire. “Hey, Natt…” I tugged at the blankets. “Do you think West likes me?”


“But do you think he loves me?”

“Dunno, ask him.”

I pouted and ran a hand through my hair. I really do wish West had continued what he was going to say…

“Hey, did you just cheat yourself?” I asked when I saw him take out a card from the middle of the row and unfairly placed it somewhere else so that he can open the one facing down. “You cheated in solitaire!”

“Shut up, this game is already lame as it is. What I did is the same as what I do in my games. I put in cheat codes.”

I laughed.

The rest of the day was uneventful. And by that I mean boring. I stayed in bed until Mrs. Gray came home. We had a peaceful dinner, the twins were awfully quiet, seems like they become like that whenever West’s around. I wonder what happened between those three while I was sleeping… Ty was being his usual happy self, and I had the distinct feeling West was avoiding me.

When it was time for everybody to hit the sack, Whisky the Great appeared at my bed looking all cozy.

Morning came and I had fully recovered. I had unusually woken up early, so I got out of bed, careful not to wake my sleeping cat and went to clean up. I picked out a pink tank top and denim shorts then brushed my stubborn hair into place. There was this strand that wouldn’t follow no matter what I do, so I took a pink clip and placed it on my hair.

Once I was satisfied with how I look, I got out of the room to have breakfast. Mrs. Gray was in the kitchen making pancakes. “Good morning, Ana.”

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