Only time will tell

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They walk out to the parking lot and Roman holds the door open for Charlotte. She smiles at him and gets in. He closes it and walks over to his side.
"So I guess I'm going with you?"
Roman looks at her and smirks, "You got in the car, didn't you?"
She laughs, "Only because you were waiting for me I think."
He shakes his head and pulls out of the parking lot.
They drive for about 20 minutes and Roman pulls into a restaurant. She looks up and sees the name of it and realized that they've eaten there before. She smiles and Roman looks over at her.
They get out and walk in. Roman holds the doors open for her and they get seated. The waiter takes their order and gets their drinks.
Roman is on his phone looking at Twitter and Charlotte sits there thinking.
Roman looks up at her.
"You sure everything is fine, you know with us?"
She looks at him, "I think."
He looks confused.
"What actually happened? When you had to go the hospital?"
She looks at him and thinks for a minute.
"It shouldn't require you to think Char."
She smiles, "I don't really know. Just you and everything and Seth and Sasha and my title."
He looks at her and she closes her eyes and clenches her jaw.
He notices and moves over to the other side of the booth to comfort her, wrapping his arm around her. She covers her face with her hands and leans against him.

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