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Charlotte wakes up and gets ready to go. She sees Dana still sleeping and wakes her up.
"Dana, we need to go."
Dana gets up and gets ready to.
Charlotte drives the way down to the next show. Just a house show with the Raw roster.
Dana looks at Charlotte, "Look Char, I'm sorry about last night."
Charlotte kind of smiles, "It's fine."
Dana looks out the window. They continue driving their way down to the show.
Roman gets up out of his bed and starts to stretch. He hops in the shower and gets ready. He knows Charlotte is gonna be at the same show tonight, so maybe he can talk to her. He gets all his things ready and heads out to the car. He starts driving to the same show to.
Charlotte and Dana are almost there and see fans standing outside as they pull in. They get all the things out and head inside to put them in their lockeroom and head back out. They start signing autographs and taking pictures with them. It makes them happy to see how much fans love them. About 10 minutes, they tell them they have to head back in. They see Rollins pull in and wave to him.
As they walk back in, they see the other women and say hi, well Dana does. Charlotte walks over to the makeup crew and they begin her makeup. She gets on her phone and looks at Instagram. She posts a picture of her and the girls last night. Summer comes and sits next to her.
"Hey girl" she says.
Charlotte says Hi back and smiles.
The lady putting her makeup on thinks the eyeshadow Charlotte is wearing fits perfectly. She has to close her eyes for it though.
Roman pulls into the arena and heads in. He sees the makeup team and Charlotte and walks by. Charlottes facing the opposite direction. The other girls see him and smile at him. He walks by Charlotte and Charlotte smells his cologne. She breathes in and sees him walking down. She tries not to smile so the other girls won't notice. Charlotte gets finished with her makeup and gets up to walk away. Dana watches and sits in the chair for her turn next to Sasha.
Charlotte walks back and into the Lockeroom to put on her gear.
Roman sees her walking by and continues talking to Sheamus. She doesn't notice him and keeps walking. She puts on her blue gear and a t-shirt over it. She looks in the mirror and makes sure she looks fine.
The live show is already starting and the the first match is Summer & Alicia vs Sasha & Paige.
Dana and the others watch it while Charlotte begins walking back toward a there.
Roman's walking down the same way and sees her again.
"Charlotte!" He says.
She turns around and sees him. She starts to smile.
"Hey." She says.
Roman looks at her smiling, "You have a minute to talk?"
"Um, sure." She says.
He grabs her hand and they start walking back the opposite way. She gets that nervous feeling in her stomach again. He pulls her into a corner between some storage bins anf lets go of her hand. She looks at him and doesn't know what to do.
He looks at her, "It's about the other night. I just don't wanna avoid it."
She looks down for a second, "the kiss?" She says looking up at him.
He smiles, "Yeah, that. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. Well, it really wasn't but,." He breathes in, "Look, Charlotte, I like you and you probaly know and I really enjoyed the other night with you. I don't know if you feel the same way, but that's why I wanna talk to you. To ask if you do. So do you Char?" He looks right in her eyes.
Her heart starts beating at the words that just came out. And he called her Char.
She starts to get nervous and tries to think of what to say, but before she can say anything she feels his lips on hers again. He feels so good when he finally does it and wraps his arms around her. She kisses back and enjoys it to. Then he starts pushing her, making her lean against the storage bin. Almost pinned to the wall. He lets up for a minute and smiles at her. "You know how you feel yet? You were doing it back?" He laughs.
Charlotte can't help but smile, "I do, I guess I do really...Like you."
He smiles and goes in for her again, putting his hand in her hair and his other on her side. They both don't wanna stop and keep going at it. Roman then slides his left hand up in her shirt, up her side slowly. He then, stops and kisses her on her neck, he bites her and doesn't stop. He can feel her tense up and likes it. She has a smile on her face and holds his hair and shoulder to not fall back. He leans back off of her and smiles. "See, I knew you liked me."
She smiles and kisses him.
Dana starts walking back to look for Charlotte. She walks around the corner and hears something. She looks over to the right and sees Roman and Charlotte locking lips. Her eyes get wide as she yells, "CHARLOTTE!"
Charlotte lets up and sees Dana standing there. She gets nervous. Roman looks at Charlotte confused. He still has his arm around her and just looks at Dana.
"What are you doing!" Dana says.

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