I Can't

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Roman lets go of Charlotte, looks at her, smiles and walks away. Charlotte smiles back and walks over towards Dana.
Dana stares at her and doesn't say anything.
Roman heads out to the ring kind of upset after that. During his match, all he can focus on is Charlotte. He tries not to, but he can't help it. Seth ends up beating him.
"What?" Charlotte says.
"Why were you with him back there? Practically making out?"
Charlotte blushes, "We weren't. We were just kissing. And it's none of your business."
Dana looks shocked and smirks.
"It's none of my business?"
Charlotte nods.
"Since when? We're good friends. Why wouldn't you tell me about him. Liking him. Anything."
Charlotte looks at her, "Because I don't want anyone to know. And you told all the girls about me and him talking already."
"I was happy for you. You actually like someone here. I wanted them to be happy for you too."
Charlotte looks down and breathes, "Then why did you yell my name?" She crosses her arms.
Dana smiles, "I don't know. Honestly. Let's just get ready for our match."
Charlotte nods and they get ready."
After Sasha makes her entrance with her title, Charlotte and Dana come out. Dana does the flair strut and Charlotte just walks in. Charlotte goes after Sasha and gets her down. Then, Roman crosses her mind. She shakes her head but gets distracted. Sasha gets in control.
Sasha ends up pinning Charlotte. Charlotte lays there as Sasha walks around with her title. Used to to "mine" Charlotte says. Then her and Dana walk back.
Dana walks around the other way and leaves Charlotte there. She stands there and starts walking back. She walks into her lockeroom and sees Roman sitting there.
"Why you in here?" She says.
He gets up and smiles at her.
"I can't stop thinking about you." He walks past her and locks the door.
She turns around and gets nervous.
Roman walks up to her and kisses her. She kisses back and wraps her arms around him. They walk back and he ends up pushing her on the couch, still kissing her. He's over top of her and she's smiling, making him smile.
He starts to rub her sides and she likes it. She closes her eyes and feels his mouth on her on her stomach now. He keeps kissing all around and she gets giddy. He brings his face back up to hers and says "How you feeling?"
She smiles and puts her hands on his face, "Good, and you?"
He smiles, "I think you know."
He continues kissing her until a knock comes on her door. He gets off her and runs into the bathroom. She watches him shocked and fixes her hair. She goes over to the door and opens it. It's Sasha.
"What do you want?"
Sasha smiles, "You okay? You were acting weird during our match."
Charlotte smirks, "Yeah, my mind wouldn't shut off."
Sasha smiles, "Oh, as long as your okay."
Charlotte, "Yeah, I'm fine."
Sasha begins to leave and then stops, "Oh, and I saw a bruise on your neck. What happened?"
Charlotte looks shocked, "Oh, probably it took it from your match just now."
Sasha smiles, "Probaly lol, anyways see you later."
Charlotte smiles and shuts the door.
Roman walks out and she looks at him.
"You gave me a hickey?"
Roman laughs, "Hey, you were enjoying it so don't."
Charlotte smiles.
"It's fine." He comes over and hugs her.

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