Do you?

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Roman and Charlotte finally pull into a hotel. It's really nice. He parks the car and they get out, still in their gear. They walk into the hotel and get their keys. They walk up the stairs and head up to the room. Charlotte goes to open the door with Roman behind her holding her shoulders. She can't stop smiling. She gets the door open and walks in. Roman lets go of her and shuts the door and locks it. He rushes over to her, picking her up and and kissing her. She still smiles holding onto to him.
"Your fine Char. Don't worry."
She gets butterflies when he calls her that. He puts her down and grabs her hand and starts heading to the room. He closes the door. He starts kissing her placing his right hand on his face and his left on her hip. She can't stop smiling. He swings her over to the bed and lays her down and gets on top of her. He starts kissing her and slowly moves down to her stomach. She places her hands on his back and lays there. He keeps going and stops right before her bottom piece of gear. He heads back and kisses her lips and over to her neck, biting her. She closes her eyes and enjoys it. He gets done and smiles at her.
"Is your gear hard to get off?"
She smiles, "Depends.",
He smiles and begins to take his vest off.
"Yours aint." She says.
"You wanna do it?" He laughs.
She smiles and begins to take off his vest, revealing his black top under. She starts to take it off and he kisses her. Moving his hands under her to the back of her and starts undoing her gear. She laughs making him smile. She gets his shirt off and sees him shirtless overtop of her. She gets wide eyes and blushes. He notices out of the corner of his eye and stops. He moves down to meet their eyes.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. Why'd you stop?" She says.
"You felt like you tensed up.",
She smiles.
He smirks at her and realizes why. He wraps his arms back around her finishing undoing her gear.

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