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Charlotte stands there still and falls to the floor. She closes her eyes, hoping it will stop the tears, but the minute she opens them, they start falling. She puts her hands over her eyes and sits there for minutes.
Roman walks up to the room and grabs his things. He starts to pick up all his things, packing them and everything else.
He looks over at her side of the bed and sees something. He walks over to it and notices that it's one of his gloves.
He lets lose of his anger for a minute.
"Why does she have this?" He thinks to himself. He picks it up and looks at it. He sees his autograph on it and sees a little note in it. He picks it up and reads it.
"This glove belongs to the man that inspires me to be better everyday and he never gives up on me or himself. He deserves a lot. Without him, I wouldn't be as strong as I am."
He finishes reading it and feels tears falling down his face. He closes his eyes and sits on the floor. He puts the glove down and buries his face in his knees for minutes.
Charlotte gets up slowly and starts walking up the steps.
As she walks up, she sees some other wrestlers and smiles at them. They just look at her.
She starts walking down the hallway and walks into the bathroom.
She takes her shirt off and looks at her shoulders. She sees a little bruising, but ignores it.
She hears a door open in the hallway.
She listens to see who it is.
Whoever it is, is walking fastly out.
She opens the door and sees Roman walking out the door with his things. She watches him sadly and walks into her room. As she walks in, she sees his glove on the floor at the foot of the bed. She walks over to it and picks it up. She sees something else in it and gets it out. She opens it and reads it and it says, "It means the world that you said that."
She notices that it's Roman writing and smiles. She sits down the end of her bed starting to cry again.
Roman is getting in his car and sits there for a minute.
He puts his hands on the steering wheel and looks straight ahead.

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