I can tell you

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Roman walks back to his lockeroom and gets prepared for his match later tonight against Balor. Seconds later, a knock comes on his door. He gets up and walks to it. He opens the door and charlotte is standing there sort of smiling.
"You okay?" He says.
She looks at him and replies, "I just want someone to talk to and no one here really listens, you know?"
"Oh, well you can come in. I'm always here."
She walks in and he shuts the door behind her. She goes over and sits on the couch, while watching Raw.
"The New Day can be really funny sometimes." She laughs.
He watches her laugh and smiles at her then goes over to sit next to her. She looks over at him for a second and turns her attention back to the TV as the New Day brings an audience member out.
"Yeah and sometimes stupid.", they both laugh.
They comtinue to watch and enjoy it together. You can still tell Charlotte's sad, but happy right now cause Roman's being so nice to her.
After the segment ends, Roman looks over, " So, what'd you wanna talk about Charlotte?"
She looks down for a second and says, "I don't really know. I just wanted to be around someone that's not talking about Sasha winning I guess."
"Well, that's fine. But really, don't let it get to you like I said. You should be proud you put on an amazing match."
She can't help but smile.
"See, all you have to do is smile and you'll be okay." He says.
"Yeah, I guess thats how it works nowadays. Anyways I better leave you alone so you can get ready for your match."
"That's not for another half hour, your fine. Plus, I like talking to you. Never been women in here whose not just talking about how good I look. Your actually talking about what we do."
She laughs, "Really? They only talk about your looks?"
"Yeah. A lot of them, like Sasha, Alicia, Summer and others. You, Becky and Paige are really the only ones who haven't talked about them yet." He smirks, "that I know of."
She laughs again, "Aww, well we have respect for wrestlers that go through all these rough patches and doesn't let it phase them. Especially you. You just go out there and  do what you do because you love it and get booed. And I'm a heel and you get more boos than me.", she laughs, causing him too.
"Well, it happens I guess. And your a pretty good heel actually. One of my favorites."
"Aw, thanks. I try my best to be the bad guy.
He smiles at her.
"Well, I'm gonna go now so I can get ready for packing up. It was nice talking to you."
Roman stands up and goes in for a hug and she hugs him back.
"Anything you ever need, just give me a holler" he smiles and lets go.
She smiles back and leaves. Roman walks back to the bathroom and gets ready for the main event.

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