Nightmare from Santa...

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Nightmare from Santa...

As i finally settled down into bed after the previous disturbance i felt something arising from inside...

I'm not quite sure what it is, or why i am feeling this way. It's as if something is going to happen but i'm not quite sure what. I rolled over and looked at my husband, sleeping soundly by my side. When i rolled back over and attempted to get back to sleep i could hear something else... But i didn't want to move right now, the bed was to warm and cozy to leave right now, i just want some sleep....

I woke up early Christmas morning; my husband wasn't next to me so i assumed that he'd gone downstairs with the children for their presents. I climbed out of bed and the cold air pierced my skin and sent a disturbing shiver down my spine... This natural reaction didn't seem right...

I ran downstairs singing for my children to come to me... No light where on and it was pretty dark outside... Seemed odd as the kids bedroom doors where open and my husband wans't there. I whispered to myself "it's just a surprise Mary, nothings happened to them."

I slowly tip-toed into the living room and flicked the light switch; the only thing that i could see was writing on the wall saying "MeRrY ChRiStMaS MaRy..."

I screamed on the inside as i could see the Christmas presents burning in the fireplace along with a bunch of decorations. I slowly turned towards the back room...

All i can see at this point in time is my husband and children hanging upside down from the ceiling covered in white wrapping paper...

Stained in blood...

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