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Just thinking about books usually bores the human mind depending on hobbies, up bringing and friendship groups. Maybe if we paid more attention to books we could discover something a lot more interesting behind them.

Books can hide secrets...

Stories that haven't been told...

Stories that haven't been heard...

What if when we read a thriller; the story is real but had never been told? What if when we read a mystery and a child has gone missing; it was really the writer's child that has never been found. What if the stories we read are from real life experiences that society won't except. What if the romance novels we read are the authors releasing their fantasies...

The majority of book fans know that some of the most popular books in the entire world are actual horror/thriller. So what if all of the murders we've been reading are just the stories of previous detectives that have never reached the public before... This is there way of letting us know what the government doesn't want us to know...

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