Twenty two

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"You," Scooter's fuming pair of eyes settled down on my nonchalant ones, "sit the hell down. Right now. I need a word with Beth."

"Why?" I challenged on, glaring at him dead in the eyes. "So that you could interrogate her and squeeze out possibly juicy details about our relationship?" I snarled, letting my attitude get in the way as I crossed my arms over my chest; trying to contain my frustration but failing miserably. "Scooter, what you saw isn't what you think," I lifted an eyebrow, clenching my jaws tightly.

He only returned a look as hard as rock back at me.

"No, Scooter, this was my fault," Beth sighed, instantly snatching both mine and Scooter's attention. The fuck was she talking about? "Can I speak to you privately?" She asked; hopefulness bouncing around and about in her chocolate brown eyes. Scooter merely nodded once before they began moving, but I stopped them in time.

"Just trash it out here," I coldly stated, walking past Scooter and towards the door of the suite without another glance back.

I hated keeping up with this pretence. . . I just wanted my manager to know who I'm in love with but clearly, that wasn't a good idea. Because, to him, I couldn't date anyone that might hold me back in pursuing and bringing my career to the next level. Hell, Scooter didn't just manage my career; my life, my love life. . . he's the one in charge and I'm the one living it.

Pulling the door open, I stepped out before slamming it shut behind me as I made my way towards Ryan's suite.

I pounded my knuckles on the door, refusing to acknowledge the fact that it was a half hour before twelve midnight and my entire crew down the whole level could've already been asleep. "Ryan, open the fuck up!"

I didn't know why I was so furious, but I just was. I despised sneaking around. . . I fucking hated sneaking around. It's like an old friend just came running back to me for a visit, you know? Based on what happened with Selena? Secrets never last, secrets were bound to be exposed in the end so why did I hate sneaking around people's backs? That was it.

It was the key to the end of relationships. But no, I wouldn't ever let anything come between Beth and I, I wasn't going to let her go. I shouldn't, I couldn't, I wouldn't, I can't and I sure as fuck won't. Pretty fucking sure if I did, it'd be the biggest mistake of my life and I couldn't afford risking any damn thing at all.

She was the best girl I've ever had, there was no way I'd let this relationship be broken off because of my career, because of Scooter's selfish needs. I'm done, I've had enough. I need to speak to him after he's done with Beth.

"What the hell happened to you?" Was the first thing I heard before the door was even fully open. I looked from side to side in case anyone was stalking me as usual, since I was alone in the hallway, before stepping inside, joining him inside after he had the door shut. "Did something happen between you and—"

"Fucking Scooter," I shot him a look of warning, noticing the fact that Katie was actually still in the living room reading a book. . . but obviously now her attention was on me. "Fucking hell! I'm so fucking pissed, God, I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't stab someone in the leg right now," I growled lowly, tangling my fingers in my hair as I inhaled deeply, exhaling heavily each time.

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