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"Wake up, baby girl," I could merely hear Justin's voice next to my ear as I snuggled deeper into his chest, refusing to do so. The least he could do is stay still and let me sleep for a while more, I don't think it'd hurt anyone, would it? Feeling his chest reverberating against my cheek, he tightened his arms around my body before giving it a light squeeze, making me smile slightly.

"Just a couple more minutes, though," he sternly said, this time, making me realize just how husky his voice sounded. So while I tried not to let that affect me in any way at all, I quickly nodded once and grabbed the opportunity to, hopefully, fall back asleep again for about four minutes. 

But I guess, sleep didn't want me anymore so I was doing nothing, just laying; patient. I kept my eyes closed as I inhaled Justin's scent. . . he smelt just like. . . lemon, and somehow, vanilla. . . and flowers. Whoa, wait. Flowers?

"Justin, have you been using my bath foam?" I questioned seriously, looking up at him as he looked right down at me, laughing at the face I was showing him. Oh, yes, seems like he did. "Are you kidding me? Now girls would probably smell you and think you're insane—the one I'm using lasts for about an entire day unless you perspire a lot."

"I couldn't help it!" He defended himself, running his fingers up and down my sides, tickling me slightly but I could hold that down. "You smelt so good, I got curious so I kind of, yeah. I thought they smelt like rainbows the first time I met you," he chuckled sheepishly, making me burst out laughing at him. He's so cute.

"Yeah? How would you even know how a rainbow would smell like?" I smirked, rolling out of his embrace, allowing the cold, cold air conditioner to engulf me in another hug. Luckily, I was smart enough to wear my shorts last night. Oh, God, my smartest move ever. I straightened my blouse down my body and had to lift its hem up slightly afterwards, because that's how warm Justin was. Well, his body anyway.

Most times I loved his warmth because the tour bus was like a goddamn freezer, but I just had to not love it that much in this particular suite because the air-conditioner wasn't bloody cold enough. Do you feel my pain? I heaved a sigh and brought my hands up to my hair, raking my fingers through the mess of brown several times, releasing many knots at the same time.

Before I could register the next few happenings, Justin was hovering over me with his arms at either sides of my head; legs like wise with mine. I had a hard time breathing because A) even though his breath smelt like chocolate in this fricking morning, B) I had morning breath and C) he looked so fucking hot with messy hair, plus, D) he wasn't wearing anything but his boxers. Therefore, E) he snagged every breath away in me.

"I was going to start a playful argument with you," his eyes flew down to my lips, making me purse my lips in, "but I had a better idea."

My palms flew over my mouth, one on top of the other. "Have you never heard of anything called morning breath? Oh, that's incredibly intelligent of you, babe."

It's even smarter of me to say that into my palm, because it just came out muffled. But thankfully, Justin was smart enough to understand me.

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