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**this was really fun to write! Hope you like it!**

I kept both hands in the pockets of my Lovers Are Lunatics jacket (thanks Jacoby) the venue was surprisingly cold, even while full of people. I'd just managed to scrape by and get one general admission ticket to see Avenged, so here I was leaning on the railing, surrounded by many fans much much taller than me, but in this community, we're all family and we take care of eachother. I looked up to the stage, where the lead guitarist was sitting in the middle on the floor, just playing around on guitar. He's so damn cute. The whole little thing he was doing lasted until their lead singer, Matt, called him back. Of all the band members, he's the one that puts on a show.

~le timeskip~

They played Dancing Dead, Paradigm, Afterlife and Burn It Down before Johnny (not leprechaun) slid up next to Matt and 'borrowed' his mic. "Damn, my hands are tired....who wants to play a song for me?" I jumped and tried to fit through the guys in front of me, but couldn't. I wanted this so bad, and couldn't even see. Next thing I know, I'm on someone's shoulders, and this someone, almost drops me. If he hadn't almost done that, I wouldn't have gotten noticed so I don't really care. "Hey hey, don't drop her, she's gotta get up here." I looked up again (sorry guy, I was practically suffocating him so i wouldn't fall) a few of the venue security guys nodded to me and I shook my head "no I think hes talking about someone else.." "short haired cutie, on the verge of crowd surfing. Yeah you." Fuck.
I made it to the other side of the fence, two of the (at least 6'5) security guys helped me out. And Matt pulled me up like I was nothing. John wrapped an arm around my shoulder and handed me his guitar. I was shaking like a leaf, I could barely even hold it. "Hey, relax. You're ok." I held his guitar to my chest so I couldn't drop it and tried to tighten the strap a little. "We did the same thing last city, so kick ass." I pulled myself together and played unholy confessions, only screwing up minorly.
I almost couldn't move my arms, the cheering, the music, the fact I'm standing next to men who I regard as heavenly beings. John smirked and went on to see what the crowd thought, I couldn't even hear them practically, just a blurry mess of noise. Matt wrapped an arm around my shoulder and smiled "damn, you're really good!" I nodded and John smiled back "hey, wanna stay up here? You looked like you were having a rough time out there." I couldn't believe it was real. Any of this, but it was. "I-I...y..y-yeah I um i-id love to!" I was a stuttering mess but the crowd gave a last cheer before I went sidestage for the show. Not gonna lie, I cried.
A lot.
After the show, avenged went backstage, grabbed a few drinks, congratulated eachother on a kickass show and somehow I got to be a part of it. I was so ecstatic I couldn't believe it and if I died, I'd die happy.
"Hey, how would you feel going out with us after the show?" John had his arm over the back of the couch behind me, his legs crossed. "R-really?" "Of course! You're amazing!" I covered my face with my hands and nodded, praying I wasn't blushing for too long. But fuck it, avenged sevenfold invited me out. Im not passing this up. For anything.

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