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**The pic is Val in my hoodie! Zelda looked cute in a shirt so I put something on Val, she wouldn't let me zip it ;-; AND I decided to put Nami in this one cause I never wrote a nice fic with her in it I don't think....**

I woke up completely comfortable in John's arms. I didn't want to move at all because I knew It was cold. I looked out the window and smiled. Everything was covered in snow. I didn't love snow, but it was fun. "Johnny..." I poked his arm and sat up some. "Yeah..?" I pointed at the window and he smiled. "snowing..." I smiled and nodded. "Let's go before it melts!" I jumped up and John laughed. "excited?" He asked, I pulled on a hoodie and laughed "hell yeah!" A few minutes after we both were dressed, Nami walked in with her usual morning expression, the "Why are you being so loud, I need sleep" face. "Morning, Nami!" I smiled, she hadn't noticed the snow yet. "Mornin'..." She sat on the bed and yawned. "Notice anything?" John asked, she shrugged. "Something that's outside?" He nodded at the window and she went from tired to extremely excited in seconds. "ITSSNOWINGWEHAVETOGOOUTSIDENOW!!!!!!" she yelled, running back to her room to get dressed.

**le timeskip**

I was hiding behind a trashcan trying not to get hit with another snowball. So far, I was losing to Nami and John by A LOT. "Give me a break guys!" I whined, "NEVER!" they yelled at the same time, making me laugh. We've been out here for a little over an hour, built a completely oversized snowman, and Nami tried to make a snow angel (It didn't look too angel-y...but she tried..) "Okay! whoever gets hit next..loses!" John yelled. He was just standing there, but my aim sucked, so I highly doubt I could win from here. I went to run off and I lost. shocker....(yay sarcasm) Nami was standing next to me with a satisfied smirk. "I Win." she said, I laughed. "yup. you won." I brushed all the snow off my hoodie and smiled. John picked us both up and laughed. "You two look like you're about to freeze." He said. I just noticed how cold I was. "I just happen to be the greatest Dad/Fiance ever, and I got Disney movies and hot chocolate." I almost ran inside. Who doesn't like hot chocolate and Disney? Nami sat between me and John, she fell asleep pretty quickly. "Today was fun..." I said. "Mmhm..." John smiled. Hopefully the snow doesn't melt and we can do this again.

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