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**I wanna start body paint and SFX. And this was based on a cute fic I read too. AND Roses are red, pickles are green, I love your legs and whats in between**

I stood in the kitchen, a clear tarp across the floor and endless amounts of paint strewn across the room. My hair was too short to pull back, but i did my best so it didn't get into the paint. The oversized canvas was covered in odd and random paint splatters, and had 2 vaguely human shaped figures in the middle. It was one of those "if you look long enough, you'll see it" kind of things.
I looked over to the door when I heard it open, I had the end of a paintbrush in my mouth. Probably not the most attractive thing ever....
John set down his guitar things and walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" He asked, cringing slightly at the mess. "You told me to vent, and this is how I'm venting. Creatively." John went to go put things up and I had the greatest idea. When he came back I flicked purple paint all over his face. "It's mehron! It's not toxic..." I laughed, he was standing next to other small things of paint, and I ended up getting red and green splashed literally all over me.
During our paint fight, neither of us realized that we had to clean up the entire kitchen afterwards.....
But now that we're both scrubbing paint off of Everywhere. We do.
"Worth it?"

**I'm thinking of starting a vacation fic. Either to Romania, Germany, Finland or Hawaii. Your choice.**

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