Another Random Ass Thing From 1 AM

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(*has an unhealthy obsession with Kit Kats^)
I ate a whole bag of jelly beans while replaying KH1 and attempting to kick Riku's ass in COM but I failed horribly and that resulted in sadness but oH WELL. I figured these would be interesting for you even if they weren't 100 percent enjoyable...but I love writing for you! completely off topic from all that, I'm going to see Civil War soon and oh fuck I'm gonna drop dead in that theater and if SOMETHING HAPPENS TO MY BABY I WILL HUNT DOWN AND KILL THE DAMN DIRECTOR. (and why tf is Spiderman there, like...what the hell, get out, you're not even an Avenger go wear spandex and make horrible innuendos somewhere else) and AGAIN. IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO MY METAL ARMED BABY, I WILL FUCKING MURDER. I'd love to go see it with you, but idk how embarrassing it'd be to have to carry a sobbing girl out of the theater over your shoulder..Okay, enough Civil War rants...(if you've seen it tell me everything PLEASE) I've binged food network for a week because my remote doesn't work and somehow I'm still not a master at cooking, wtf. I thought I'd be able to make more than macaroni or grilled cheese. apparently no. I replayed Silent Hill Downpour again and it never gets easier to deal with the feels oml. I have way too many games I'm going back and forth on, Alice: Madness returns, Kh1, 2, COM and Birth By Sleep, GTA5 (idk if I'm proud of it but I spent over $500,000 in the strip club so far, I'm straight, but...I have no life apparently), And Assassins Creed 4 (AGAIN WITH THE HEARTBREAKING) Since I'm going around through topics, here's a stupid story, My Humanities teacher had 3 cans of LaCroix on his desk and then I remembered Remy Lacroix is a pornstar but I couldn't tell him so I just laughed to myself...and died inside because I knew that but hell, maybe you knew that too. My grandpa just got home from the hospital, it's absolutely insane...He died technically. his heartrate was pretty much gone for 30 minutes and he couldn't breathe for himself, he was in a coma, and now he's home after only 6 days. cardiac arrest patients don't show up home with barely a scratch after 6 days, it takes weeks, like wtf happened how'd you do that? I'm into medical shit and this isn't normal...but whatever...I'm glad he's back. I miss you!!!! And I have a lot to talk about but...I figured that'd takes hours to write, so I just gave the basics...I'll probably write another one later...G'night!!


I just watched a seductive orange juice commercial and gave myself a black eye playing Blood And Thunder

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