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**came up with this because we usually go to a resteraunt around our hotel when we're at rebellion AND this is really long. the line up is mixed with this year and last year's**

It was day 1 of rebellion, and we just got back to our hotel. It was me and John, and Elizabeth and her girlfriend. Earlier today, we'd met Marilyn Manson, Chevelle, Papa Roach (I cried then..) Korn, Slipknot and Slash. along with us meeting Maria Brink and Lizzy Hale on accident in the parking lot while we were leaving. there were 2 beds in the room, and they weren't exactly big either, which meant you practically slept on top of the other person in the bed. (not complaining..) "Guys! Razoo's is a few minutes away! let's go! Elizabeth yelled, I laughed. There was a bar across the street which we were bound to go to later, but actual food sounded nice right now since I'd only had a funnel cake all day. We all pulled on hoodies and walked out. "we look like we're about to kill someone.." I said, John smiled. "we're definitely the coolest gang ever." Kaitlyn wrapped an arm around Elizabeth's shoulder and smirked "I'd make a gang bang joke, but this poor little Asexual thing couldn't handle it." She laughed and Elizabeth covered her ears. "No no no! pleeeeaaseee no sex jokes!" she whined. I laughed, "relax, we'll keep it to minimum"

**short time skip**

I'd somehow managed to control the music in the car, and we were listening to BABYMETAL's song "Gimme chocolate" (i begged John to let me play it) Elizabeth and I both knew the words and were singing much louder than we should've been. the next few songs were carry on my wayward son, before I forget, Adrenalize and deep six. Of course, you could probably hear the music from another state. traffic only prolonged the fun.


We were all sitting at a booth, I'd been forced into eating gator tail, and was surprised because I liked it. (damn my vegetarianism) we'd laughed until we were all in tears about embarrassing stories from all of us. I had to finish the story i started through laughing and blushing. "Okay! okay! so, I went to jump out of the swing..and my gym shorts got caught on the metal part and when i jumped it pulled me back, pulled my shorts all the way off and i couldn't get them off the swing so i was a just laying there, in the dirt, officially contemplating suicide because i knew i'd never forget this. neither would the class." I said. I'd told another story about how I was onstage during a play at school, it was 7th grade, and i was suppose to pull the sweater off that i had on. i pulled it off and my shirt came off with it....let's just...forget that experience...everyone had a drink, except Elizabeth. (the little muffin isn't a big drinker, and just got a glass of water) "So, tomorrow. what's the plan?" I asked. "I was thinking....go see Babymetal, then wander around until the headline and then meet Five Finger Death Punch!" John said. he pretty much helped plan things because I'm up for anything. everyone nodded and Kaitlyn smacked the table due to not being able to talk with drink in her mouth. "WE HAVE TO GO ON THE FERRIS WHEEL AND YOU HAVE TO ENTER THE DRAWING CONTESTS AND JOHN COULD DO THE SHRED CONTEST!" she yelled, making me jump. John smiled, "I'll definitely enter it." he said, I sighed "fine...I'll draw." Elizabeth wanted to join with me, so we figured do two separate things  and one together. "about the ferris wheel..." I said. Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow and i sighed. "I'm afraid of heights! remember the ferris wheel at ridge fest? It wasn't a quarter of the size this one is and i almost cried.." I said, she rolled her eyes. "You're going. like it or not." I groaned and sighed. "fine..."

**time skip to the next day**

We were walking up to the gate, looking surprisingly good together. I was in black torn shorts, a papa roach tank top and some high top converse. John was in an Avenged shirt and black jeans, looking hot as hell with his hair tied up. Elizabeth was in the "friends who headbang together, stay together" shirt i bought her and come jeans and Kaitlyn was in a Daryl Dixon shirt with shorts on. as we walked in, there were already a LOT of people at the Rebellion stage, watching Of Mice And Men play. we watched them for a while before going to see Babymetal. I met them and due to them having a similar dancing style to me (erratic and very odd...) we did a short video together instead of pictures, and I made John dance with us. "Guys! after Hollywood undead, no one we really like is playing. and it'll be getting dark. Ferris Wheel time!" Kaitlyn said. i groaned, i'd hoped she'd forgotten about that, but we had about 3 hours until Hollywood undead, so it'd be fine...hopefully. We went to do the contests we'd talked about yesterday until Hollywood started. I drew Loki for my first drawing, then Elizabeth and I drew Aela and Farkas fighting a dragon. the prize for winning the contest was a new Jackson with all the bands autographs. the winner would be announced right before the headliners. next was the shred contest, and until that started, there were A LOT of famous guitars in that tent to play. I played Dimebag's guitar, 2 different Steel Panther guitars, Slash's guitar and some random ones, like Jacksons, LTDs (my personal favorites along with Schecters) and Les Pauls. I was playing Last Resort, and didn't notice the small crowd I drew at one point. after our guitar-fanboy/girl flip outs, and after a few people had already played in the contest, John was up. he wasn't going to play songs, he was just gonna play. the prize was a guitar of your choice and money. there's a chance of leaving here with 2 guitars if we're lucky. John looked as hot as ever playing. I attempted to not literally drool, thankfully i didn't. John ended up winning against 2 professionals. "You won! You were amazing up there!" I said, smiling. He kissed my forehead and laughed. "y'know I was gonna win. I'm just a pro at it." he laughed and picked out the Confederate version of Dimebag's guitar, since he pretty much has all the other guitars.

**there are just a lot of time skips in this story, aren't there?**

We were all near the front of the crowd during Hollywood Undead, and they played a few songs you can 'dance' to. John had me pulled against him, my back against his chest and was swaying slightly. surprisingly. they were playing War Child and it was one of my favorite songs by them. I'd gotten to meet them earlier, and ended up buying a mask that looked like Danny's. After a few songs, we had to go see who won the drawing contest. Elizabeth and I were there, but we hadn't seen Kaitlyn since right before Hollywood Undead. huh...interesting. My drawing got 4th, Elizabeth's got 7th and ours got 2nd. The winner drew a mad hatter style monster. (maybe sensual Loki was a bad idea...but Elizabeth's dragon was cool as hell) We both got $100 and lanyards. The Monster Energy girl that handed me my prize, looked absolutely clueless to everything.
Now that it was about 8:00, and it was pretty dark out. Kaitlyn magically appeared to remind us about the ferris wheel. "And where have you been?" I asked, she laughed. "went to see Jackyl. now. FERRIS WHEEEEEL!" I was honestly paranoid that 1: it was gonna break 2: some drunk guy at the top would puke on me and 3: I'd somehow fall out. but whatever, there was no way out of this. Elizabeth and Kaitlyn got on first, then it was me and Johnny. I was shaking, I couldn't help it. I absolutely hate heights and it was well over 100 feet up at the top. John was fine. "relax, you'll be fine. you're with me." he said, I sighed, "Famous last words.." he laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "just relax....or I'll make you~" I blushed and he smiled. I'd forgotten all about the fact that I was getting closer to a heart attack when I was bound to look over the edge. "I'm about to do something extremely cliche and movie like." John said, "And what's that?" "this." he leaned over and kissed me, putting a hand on my cheek. that's it. he just kissed me on top of a ferris wheel, and pointed out the cliche movie aspect. (that's exactly the kinda person I'd marry) I'd ignored the fact that i was incredibly high up and we finally were at the bottom. I was surprised at how fast I got off that thing. FFDP was next and then we'd be going back to the hotel. John had my hand in his, smiling. Elizabeth and Kaitlyn followed us to get drinks before the headline. we were all sitting at one of the tables, and everyone had different drinks. (you could see everyone's preference) Elizabeth just had a soda, Kaitlyn had Whiskey, John had two different vodkas (which he shared with me) and I had Reyka and a smoothie. "So, how's everyone's day been so far?" I asked, everyone smiled "Amazing!" they all said at once, making me laugh. "my feet hurt, and I'm sunburnt, but it's fun." I said. (my pasty ass could get sunburnt inside with just a lamp on...) John was fine, and so was Elizabeth (due to her magical swimmer's skin i guess) me and Kaitlyn were both burned though. 


FFDP was a pretty amazing show, and I caught a drumstick Jeremy threw to the crowd. we were walking back to the car, Elizabeth was on Kaitlyn's back, and i was walking next to John. he held my hand and kissed my cheek. "fun?" "hell yeah.." I yawned, he smiled and we made it to the car. I was exhausted by the time we made it to the hotel, and i just wanted to sleep. "fuck...pajamas..." I said, i pulled off my clothes and fell next to john, I just decided to sleep in my underwear, John pulled me against him and smiled. "Can't wait 'till we get home..." he said, i snuggled close to his chest. "then we'll have some real fun.."

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