Love At First Sight (Part 1)

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**you asked for it, so here it is! and I'm sorry about parents were being a bit pushy...**

I was extremely tired and nervous. I didn't sleep much last night, because of a bit of anxiety about switching schools. I wouldn't know anyone there..but I needed to go. Elizabeth said that i'd be okay of course. I was wearing an Axel shirt, and black jeans. my hair refused to cooperate and was sticking up a little. greeeeat first impression...I didn't know any of my teachers, or where the classes were. I prayed that someone with the same classes was around...I walked down the hall and the first person I saw that acknowledged my existence was a tall guy with long black hair, and glasses. (i have a soft spot for all of that...and he was honestly the hottest person I've ever seen) I walked over and awkwardly attempted conversation. "um...I..I don't know where any of my classes are...could me?" I couldn't really form a sentence, and him being so damn attractive didn't help. "you're new? huh? looks like we have the same classes....except for 2nd and last period." Oh thank fuck.."I'm John, by the way." he said. I looked down, covering my slightly red face. "S-savannah..." "Pretty name..." he said, "come on...I'll walk you to 1st." I followed John to the first 2 classes, English and Math. I'm good at English, and shit at math. Next was gym, and I'm bad at that too...unless it just happens to be badminton or soccer. which it wasn't. it was fucking work outs. fantastic...our teacher was merciful, and let us pick partners. John and I were together. I can do sit ups forever, but push ups are my enemy. and I had to do 50. yay....(kill me) After I suffered for close to 10 minutes (pitiful...i know) it was John's turn. he went past 50, within 3 minutes. damn. he was surprisingly attractive while doing it too...I was impressed to say the least. The rest of the day was pretty fun, it was last period, and I was walking to Science. This was the...not so fun...part. A group that looked like they were going to the same class as me, loudly, talked shit about me while I was literally right next to them. I've been here one day. one day. and people are already teasing me. I proved the little bitch group wrong already, but it still stung a little...they didn't even know me. I met John after last period. I was getting more and more comfortable with him every time I saw him. "are you free this weekend?" he asked. I blushed like an idiot and nodded. "Um..yeah. Friday and Saturday, I'm free." He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. he handed me something and started to walk off. he waved and i waved back. he gave me his number. wow. I was so surprised with myself, but also proud. I felt fuzzy whenever I was around him, and I think that this might just turn into something.

I texted John when I got home, he answered back almost right away. we talked about our plans for the weekend, we were going to meet at Geeksboro and then we'd stick around for coffee and video games. how did I manage to do this? i don't know. am i happy about it. Yes.

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