" Happily Ever After? "

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As the police rounded up Naomi, I glanced over the scene. This was finally over. Naomi's struggle to escape ended with her kicking an officer in the face and heading to the door, another officer came in and quickly tamed her. They slammed her into the ground and put her in hand cuffs.


I sighed ; she was my best friend for so long and now this. Walking into the bathroom, I softly knocked on the stall door which was closed with Marina in it. She opened the door and quickly pulled me into a tight embrace.



She spilled about everything. How she felt, how much she liked Naomi, and so on. I comforted her, saying how she doesn't deserve you and what not.


Walking out, I saw Dipper who ran to me. He quickly lifted me up and spun me around, until bringing me down and kissing me.


Graduation Day came quickly, as we all sat down in our seats. "Dipper Pines..." She said handing him his diploma. "Mabel Pines..." Did the same to her.



Names were called, and it made it's way to me "Y/n L/n!" She smiled. And with that I walked away, with a diploma and a boyfriend not knowing what to do.




8 years later

I stood in front of a large mirror, dressed in a large white gown that trailed off. A vail say on my head with glitter shinning everywhere. My makeup and hair perfectly done, I turned to Mabel.


"Do I look okay?" I asked

"Yes," she said dusting off her maid of honor dress. "You look wonderful, Y/n."


"Aye Y/n!" Wendy called out. "It's time to go!"


I made my way down, holding a Bouquet of roses. I linked arms with my mom who smiled at me with tears. "I missed most of your life but at least I can share this with you."


My brides maids, Wendy, Marina, Summer, and Storm stood smiling. Storm shot me a thumbs up and a wink, which I returned. I didn't have a kid to throw shit in front of me so I had a group of puppies instead. They all ran to the alter, plopping down.


The crowd awed at them, and then I saw Dipper. He smiled widely at me, cupping his hands on his mouth as tears of joy formed in his eyes.


My mom let me go as I gave her the flowers, and I turned to hold his hands. He looked at me.


Y/n L/n
promise to love you for everything.
For all you did,
like taking me in when I needed it.
The foster home sucked,
I've always said that.
But getting to leave it and finding you,
I found myself.
Through thick and thin,
I always liked you.
And now we're at an alter.
I just wish you the best,
to maintain my mess,
Dipper Pines I love you."


The crowd awed again and now it was his turn.


"As one once said,
I didn't fall in love with you.
I walked into love with you,
My eyes wide open,
Choosing to take every step along the way.
I do believe in fate and destiny,
But I also believe
We are only dated
to do the things
That we'd choose anyway.
And I'd choose you,
In a hundred lifetimes,
In a hundred worlds,
In any version of reality,
I'd find you,
And I'd choose you."

The crowd awed again. "May I have the rings?" The priest said as someone handed him the rings.

Dipper held up the ring. "With this ring, I promise you to be my wife." And he put it on me.

I held up a ring. "With this ring I promise you to be my husband." I put it on him.

"Now do you, Dipper Pines, take Y/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Y/n L/n take Dipper Pines to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

And with that, Dipper wrapped his arms around me and I did to him, and we kissed.

After that, I knew my life was good.

"But you'll still always be my foster girl." He smiled.

[] author's note []


How do you guys liked the ending? Originally I was gonna make it all a dream but ://////

Anyway, I hope you guys checked out my other stories (finally published a Calvin x Reader) and I hope I get a follow.

Thank you all for giving me the best years of my life,

I love you all,


Foster Girl ★ ( Dipper x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now