Chapter 7

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I saw a glittering one, also in my f/c. I stared at it touching the fabric. It was silky and glittery. It was beautiful, and there aren't many words to describe how Magnificent it was.

Mabel and her friends turned around running to the fitting rooms. "What are those..?" I asked looking at the fitting rooms. "There a place where you try on things dork!" Mabel said.

"Oh." I grabbed the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. I slipped in to a door and locked it. I slowly put on the dress as I quickly turned to the mirror. I looked at myself in it, and twirled.

"Woah..." I said in awe. I nodded and I knew then this was the one. I took it off and put back on my normal clothing. I carried it out and Mabel had carried her's out as well. She was holding a light pink one, that faded into white. Her other friend Grenada had a orange and silver one, and Candy had a dark green one.

I smiled as we purchased the dressed and walked out. "Shoe time!" Mabel said grabbing my arm running to the shoes, her friends following.

Once we arrived at that store, Mabel picked out a more glittery styled flats. Her other friends did the same, although I wanted my normal shoes, Mabel insisted. So, I picked out flats in the same color of my dress.

We bought them, and that was the last thing we would buy. We walked out and headed back to the mystery shack. Her friends went home so it was just me and Mabel.

We ran inside and out away our stuff . Mabel showed me where it was going to be held, which was in a huge room. People where setting up already, even dipper.

I smiled as I looked at the time. Mabel apparently did as well, "it's time to get ready guys!!" She exclaimed running to her room. They all nodded for the ball party thing was ready.

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