Chapter 11

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Your POV

  I felt the water crash against my face as I sank. Is this how I was going to die? This cannot be how I was going to die. Suddenly, I felt arms around me.

Dipper; he saved me.

  Wait it couldn't be him. The person had longer nails; rounded. Their fingers where thin, and I'm guessing soft. My eyes had not adjusted to the water yet, but I felt skin on the stomach and a bikini bottom. My e/c eyes opened and fixed to the water.

Rich; auburn hair flown around me. The hair was long and floated in the water. They looked up; and I saw a spark of sapphire blue eyes looking up. They moved their body close to mine; and swam up. I could tell it was a she by now, and they felt like someone I knew.

We met we contact; and it all came back. The orphanage. A girl. The kiss. The snow. The memories. Naomi.

We got above the surface and I spit up water. I searched around for Dipper; but I didn't see him. I finally saw Mabel who sprinted to me. "Y/NN!" She shouted falling to her knees by me. "I'm fine." I said. "That's great! Dipper attempted at saving you but that girl blocked him and jumped after you.

"I'm a trained life guard." she said smiling. Mabel nodded and left walking off to Dipper. "Naomi?" I stuttered out. "I haven't seen you since last year at the orphanage." I said. She softly giggled. "That long?"  She said then I mumbled that's what she said

  "Shut up." She said playfully punching me. "Well I gotta go." She said walking off.  That was odd. She left very quick.

  I sighed as Dipper ran and hugged me. Everything froze for a second as my eyes widened and cheeks flushed.
" Dipper— " I said as he shushed me and hugged my tightly. "I was terrified Y/N..." He said; his voice whimpering.

Was he crying...for me?

  " So was I dipper.." I said hugging him back. I looked at Bill and raised an eyebrow and he mouthed the words 'You're dead bitch.'

  That piece of shit thinks I'm wining. I am; and he's upset. He's scams backfired and now I'm closer to Dipper.  Fuck you bill; I'm winning.

  This is great; but it got dark quick. That means we didn't have lunch, damn we where hear for a little while. "Look at the time!" Bill said breaking us apart. "Right." Dipper sighed.

  The ride home was quiet, and quick. Everything went by quick; and then it was 10. Tomorrow was Monday, the only day left before winter break, which was a few weeks. So pretty much the whole month of December. I heard Dipper and Bill talking, so I pressed my ear against the door.

"Bill—" Dipper said.

"Shhh." Said Bill. "She's just some weirdo girl; I think she's a lesbain."

"What?" Dipper said. "She's not, and even if she was there's nothing wrong with that. Don't use that as an insult."

I opened my door slightly and crawled near where they where; but still not in sight.

"But did you see the way that her and that girl interacted?" Bill asked raising an eyebrow.

"So?" Dipper said. "Besides we kissed; maybe she's bi..?"

"Wait." Bill said. "You to kissed?"

Wasn't bill an all powerful yandere demon obsessed with Dipper? How wouldn't he know that?

Bill looked furious. "I forbid you to kiss her." He announced.

"You forbid me?" Dipper said. "You can't control my actions! This isn't your life! Stay out of it! God why do you even care?!"

"Because Dipper!" Bill said. "I lo—"

I cut him off by sling shotting a marble at a glass cup causing Dipper to shuddered.

"Calm down bill!" Dipper shouted. "Leave me alone; okay?!" He said starting to walk away from Bill.

Oh no.

Bill knows this was by me.

  I quickly retreated to my room panting. I locked my door and window; though Bill would get in anyway. Then I remembered; his powers where gone! Maybe Dipper forgot!

  Bill sighed and stomped to my door. He pounded his fists on the door.
"Y/N! " he shouted. "OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW YOU BITCH!" He said as I sighed. "Why?" I asked.

  "Why?! WHY?!" He said. "Why did you do that you prick?!"

"Because I love dipper okay?!" I shouted. "No shit Sherlock!" Bill said. "HE CLEARLY DOESN'T LIKE YOU...YOU LESBIAN!"

  I laughed a little. "Lesbian isn't an insult." I said. "That's just like me insulting your gayness; but I don't, because not everyone is Heterosexual."

  "I know it's not but you did like make out with a girl underwater." Bill said. "No I didn't! She saved me just, okay?" I said back.

  "Whatever!" Bill said. "Have fun at school bitch."

  I sighed and crawled into my bed. Well this SUCKS. I teared up; what of Dipper hates me? I then cried myself to sleep.

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