Chapter 25

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Dipper's Perspective

                      | Last time.....  |

Looking at my phone, I saw Wendy's text.

"How about we go on a date? ;3"
She put.

I hesitated, but why not?

I can't break her heart.

But what about Y/N?

I clicked send.



I took a deep breath as I put on a red flannel with a grey hood sticking out in the back. I kept on my old jeans, and pulled on my beat up converse. She texted me,

"Meet me at the lake. Bring swimming shit."

I texted back.


I motioned to the door and quickly slipped out grabbing my keys, swim trunks, but leaving my phone. I then stopped myself but grabbed it just incase. I can't leave it around no one. Running to the lake, I stopped and painted as Wendy laughed a little.

She had short-shorts on, and a black bikini top. I think. What? Bras and bikini tops same thing.

I walked over to her. "Hey Wendy." I smiled.

"Hey Dip." She smirked. "Why are you wearing your clothes?"

"Because I own them."

She laughed and slid off her shorts.

"Wendy it's freezing." I sighed. "It's December."

"It's been like 69 degrees for the past few days."

"Still!" I said sitting on a rock.

| Adding a little note, there are some well graphic kinda scenes coming up. Again, no sex, but ya know that kinda ish. |

She playfully rolled her eyes and walked to me. "Come on Dipper," she smirked. "You know you want it."

I blushed as she put her leg in between mine. "Wendy please no." She leaned in on my and kissed my lips. My face was red now. I didn't think she could do that. Oh my god this is happening. She ran her fingers through my hair before moving away.

"Now will you stop being a woos and swim?" She said.

Covering my mouth, I nodded. I took off my flannel and jeans, replacing it with swimming trunks. I stuck my foot in the water and shivered. It was cold as fuck.

She was up to her waist in water by now, and she pulled me in. "Come on Dip." She said then smiling as she pulled out heads underwater.

I opened my eyes, and it took a minute to adjust. She smiled at me, and I saw her adjust the back of her bikini. I didn't know what she was doing, but eh probably just tying the note again?

We went up, and I saw the bikini straps untied. "Uh should I tie that?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I dunno," she smirked. "Do you wanna have it tied?"


"Dipper." She said. "Chill out."

I sighed.

She moved to me and looked my chest. "Someone has been working out."

I glanced at my chest. "I guess."

She smiled as she moved to kiss me again. She kissed me; than moved her way down to my neck. "Wendy, please I can't have markings on me." I sighed.

"Fine then," she smiled showing me her neck. "Do it to me."

I saw a few other marks of a hickey, and I raised an eyebrow. "Where did you get those?"

"Oh," she said. "Robbie." She shrugged.

I moved away. "Him, again?"

"What?" She said holding out the a. "Who cares?"

"I do!"

"God your one of those 'stay in one relationship' kind of guys aren't you? You gotta just go with the flow."

I shook my head and walked away.

"I'm sorry Wendy, goodbye."

I took a towel she had laid out for me and dried myself with it. "Dipper please..." She grabbed me from the back.

"Wendy." I said. "No."

"Why not?" She pressed her chest against me.

"Because." I said. "I have respect for people."

"Chill out dude. I thought you where cool."

"Bye Wendy." I said after I got dressed.
I walked home and put my stuff down. I climbed up to the roof and laid there.
I heard someone walk up, Y/n.


Your perspective

I heard Dipper walk in, and I got happy. He didn't come into my room at all, which got me nervous. I went onto the roof and smiled at him.

He looked at me and motioned me to lay with him. I nuzzled my face into his chest and he put his arm around me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fine," he smiled. "Now that your here."

A shooting star flew across the sky, and the rest twinkled trying to outshine it.

But he was the one.

He was mine.

And only mine.

| See what happens next in...Foster Girl! |

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