Chapter 15

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Your Perspective

"I'm going with Sky." Naomi said smiling. "What..." I said. I was confused, Sky got over me that quick? God I'm terrified to face Sky...He must hate me.

"I have to throw out something, I'll be right back." I smiled slightly and walked over to the trash. They weren't looking, so I walked over to Sky. "What the hell Sky?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. That one Justin Bieber song played in my head then. 'When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no.'

"You are going with Naomi!?" I said. "You know she's my best friend!" Sky shook his head. "I actually didn't." He shrugged. "Don't you fucking start." I said. "I know what you're trying to do!"
"Fine." He said. "But she likes me now, you're not the center of it all. And I'm making sure no one touches her. Especially, you."

My eyes widened. "Don't even bother telling her," he said. "She won't believe you, she loves me." The word love killed me. It felt like a knife went through my head, and he knew it. I groaned. "Fuck you Sky." I said about to throw his tray on the floor but he stopped me and pulled it up before I could, making me slam my good hand on the bar. "Fuck.." I mumbled walking away.

I sat down and rubbed my hand. "Hey." Naomi smiled. "You okay?" She asked looking at my hand. "I'm fine..I hit my hand on the trash can." I said as she giggled. "Be careful!" She said kissing my hand. We always did that as kids, it was our normal. Bill nudged Dipper, signaling him. Dipper flicked him, I'm guessing they where having some sort of mind conversation.

"Well lunch is over," she smiled. "Bye guys." She said throwing a peace sign at us. I sighed and started walking to class. The memory of Sky ran through my head. 'But she likes me now, you're not the center of it all. And I'm making sure no one touches her. Especially, you.'

Wait, was Sky Yandere...?

Fuck, he was. Would he go as far as killing people? Maybe not..dear god I hope not. Will he hurt me? Wait, every yandere person ends up killing the one they love so no one gets them. He better not kill my Naomi! Shit...

I sighed as I went through the rest of the day anxious of leaving. I ran to Naomi, who was walking with Sky. It's impossible of coming near her.

3:37 PM

  I sat on my bed tapping my feet on the floor. The voices in my head repeated things over and over.

He's gonna kill Naomi, he's gonna kill her.
He's gonna kill Dipper, he's gonna kill him.
He's gonna kill Mabel, he's gonna kill her.
He's gonna kill Y/N, he's gonna kill you.

I hated these thoughts, my god why my god why.

The next thought horrified me.

But, Y/N, sweetheart.

What if Bill kills them all first?

He clearly loves Dipper to much to let him go.

I laid back on my bed and covered my face. The lights where off, for the shadows that the light was to cast scared me more than my thoughts. But night was bad to, my thoughts could play out on the walls.

I opened the window, for some fresh air, than glanced at a letter Sky had given me before. I saw that the scratch it had in it was just gone. I read it quickly.

hey Y/N,

Maybe you're wondering why I've been upset.

Oh it's and guys...kissed.

Y/N, I love you. Why– Why him? I pour everything out for you! Your amazing! He's nothing... Please I love you. I love for you.

It's fine, it's not you're fault I feel this way. But I have to go, bye.

I love you,

I gasped. Sky loved me? Why wasn't he Yandere for me?

Mabel interrupted my thoughts as she bursts through the door. "Y/N!" She cried. "WE HAVE TO GO TO THE MALL!" She said then stopped herself looking around. "Why are the lights off?" She asked turning them on.

I simply shrugged and veiled my hand over my face. "Let's get Naomi and roll out!" Mabel smiled grabbing my arm and walking to the door. It was a formal, that me at dressing nice apparently. "We're also getting you a phone." Mabel nodded. "Thanks." I said as we walked outside. It was only a little while until we reached Naomi.

She had lived in a small moderate home, with a nice garden in the front. Was everything perfect for her?! I sighed and a lady opened the door. She was young, probably mid twenties. "Oh hello!" She smiled and called Naomi downstairs. Mabel smiled and thanked her, and told her about the dance. The women knew of course, though.

We walked into the mall and Mabel and Naomi instantly ran towards the dress store. I shrugged and walked inside, the lacy and glittery fabrics attacking my face. I pushed them away and walked to them. Mabel was looking at many colorful dresses, while Naomi was simply just looking at the red ones. I decided to look for some in f/c, which where a little while over.

I went over to the section, and one caught my eye automatically. I picked up one in my f/c and f/s. I looked at the fabric, it was velvety and the inside was soft. It was short, an inch or two from my knees. It had a sweetheart neckline and sleeves that fell on my shoulders. I smiled at it, and went to try it on.

I slipped it on, and looked over how it looked. The dress's color brought out my hair and eye color. Nodding, I knew it was the one. I took it off and paid for it. Mabel was holding a dress which was a shade of indigo, and glittery. There was thin sleeves which where as well glittery, which went down to her wrists. Naomi had a red dress, with a sweetheart neckline as well as mine; but with no sleeves at all. It also appeared skin tight with a pencil skirt attached to it.

They paid and we walked over for shoes. I kinda just wanted to wear my s/f/c converse, but they insisted high heels. But; I would break my neck. Naomi had red stilettos, and Mabel had a glittery indigo. "Do I have to?" I asked looking at f/c heels. Mabel have me puppy eyes and begged for us to all wear heels. I sighed picking out flats but Mabel slid them away and handed me heels.

We left after paying, and went home. "Hurry up guys! It's in like an hour!" Naomi shouted. "Shit!" Mabel screamed as we ran home. After showering, Mabel curled her hair and I straightened most of my hair; but left one strand curly. "Hey y/n..." Mabel smiled. "It's time for makeup!" She squealed and I shrugged. As long as she was happy I was fine.

We both applied foundation, concealer, and a setting powder. Mabel helped me to contour, I've never done it. Mabel was very good at makeup, I was happy to have her with me. We both had cat winged eyeliner, and a smokey eye fading into the color of dress we picked out. We had put on mascara, our own of courses, and she insisted we wore false lashes. I've never heard of them, but alright.

She applied blush and so did I, then she pulled out lip products. She put on a glittery lipgloss, and I wore a peachy pink lipstick. Mabel put on her jewelry, and I put on a chocker. We put on our shoes and Mabel walked down the stairs. Mabel smiled as she ran outside; we didn't know how she could run outside in those heels.

  I took a deep breath and walked downstairs, Dipper's eyes lighting up as I did.

See what happens next in..Foster Girl!

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